
Pris'tina, a town of European Turkey, 59 miles by rail N. of Uskub. Pop. 18,000.


Procida (Protch'ida), an islet of Italy, between the island of Ischia and the mainland (Cape Miseno), 50 miles W. by S. of Naples. Area, 1 1/2 sq. m.; pop. 13,930. On its shores is the city of the same name, with a harbour, a royal palace, a state-prison, and a marine school.


Progres'o, a seaport of Yucatan, 25 miles N. of Merida. It stands on an open bay.


Prome, a town of Burma, on the Irawadi, 65 miles NW. of Rangoon by rail. Pop. 30,022.


Prossnitz, a town of Moravia, 13 miles by rail SW. of Olmutz. Pop. 24,500.


Provence (Provongss), formerly a maritime province of France, was bounded on the S. by the Mediterranean, and comprised the modern deps. of Bouches du Rhone, Var, Basses-Alpes, and parts of Alpes Maritimes and Vaucluse. It included a portion of the Roman province of Gaul generally called simply Provincia ('the Province'), whence it derived its name; and it was united to France in 1486. The Provencal tongue was spoken over a much larger area. See Baring-Gould's In Troxibadour Land (1891).


Provins (Provang'), a town of France, 59 miles by rail SE. of Paris. Pop. 7975.

Provo City

Provo City, capital of Utah county, Utah, on the Provo River, between Utah Lake and the Wahsatch Mountains, 46 miles by rail SSE. of Salt Lake City. Pop. 6159.


Pruth (Proot), a left-hand affluent of the Danube, rises in Galicia, on the NE. side of the Carpathian Mountains, and flows 520 miles eastward past Kolomea and Czernowitz; from where it leaves Austrian territory to its mouth in the Danube at Reni, 13 miles below Galatz, it forms the boundary between Russian Bessarabia and Roumania. It is navigable from near Jassy.


Przemysl, a town of Austrian Galicia, on an affluent of the Vistula, 61 miles W. of Leinberg by rail. It manufactures machinery, spirits, wooden wares, etc. Since 1874 it has been strongly fortified. Pop. 46,300, about one-third Jews.


Pskov, a decayed town of Russia, 9 miles SE. of Lake Pskov (50 miles long by 13 broad), 160 miles SSW. of St Petersburg. During the 14th and 15th centuries it was a Hanse town, with 60,000 inhabitants; in 1510 it was annexed to Moscow. Pop. 30,400. - The government has an area of 17,064 sq. m. and a pop. (1897) of 1,123,320.


Pudsey, a municipal borough (1900) of the West Riding of Yorkshire, 3 miles E. of Bradford, with great manufactures. Pop. 15,000.


Puebla (Pweb'la), the third city of Mexico, capital of a state of the same name, stands on a fruitful plain, 7120 feet above sea-level, and 68 miles (by rail 116) SE. of the city of Mexico. In the vicinity are Orizaba, Popocatepetl, and other lofty mountains. It was founded in 1531, and is one of the handsomest towns in the republic, with theological, medical, art, and normal schools, a museum of antiquities (1728), two large libraries, hospitals, etc. On the great square stands the cathedral, a Doric building with two towers. The chief manufactures are cottons, paper, iron, glass, porcelain, leather. Pop. 93,550. Puebla was besieged for two months by the French, and then taken by storm, 17th May 1863.