
Quelpart, a rock-bound, wooded island 60 miles off the S. coast of Corea, 40 miles long by 17 broad, attains in the volcanic Mount Auckland 6500 feet. It is fertile and populous.


Queretaro (Kay-ray'ta-ro), the capital of a Mexican state, on a hilly plateau, 6273 feet above sea-level, 153 miles by rail NW. of Mexico city. It contains a government palace, a cathedral, an aqueduct with arches 90 feet high, and two cotton-mills, employing 2300 hands. Here the Emperor Maximilian was shot in 1867. Pop. 36,000.


Quetta, or Shalkot, a fortified town near the north frontier of Beluchistan, strategically important as commanding the Bolan Pass (q.v.) and the Pishin Valley. Since 1887 it has been connected with the Indian railways, and since 1877 has been under British officers. Coal and petroleum were found in 1890. Pop. 25,000.


Quetzaltenango, the capital of a dep. of Guatemala, on the Siguila, 95 miles W. by N. of Guatemala city. Pop. 30,000, mostly Indians.


Quiberon (Kee'berong), a small fishing-town of France (dep. Morbihan), at the extremity of a long narrow peninsula, 21 miles SW. of Vannes. Pop. 3300. Here a body of French royalists landed from an English fleet in 1795, and endeavoured to rouse the people of Brittany and La Vendee. On 20th November 1759 Hawke defeated a French fleet in Quiberon Bay.


Quilimane (Kee-le-mah'nay), a seaport of East Africa, in Portuguese territory, stands 15 miles from the mouth of the N. arm of the Zambesi. Pop. 8000, including 116 Europeans and 327 Asiatics.


Quillo'ta, a town of Chili, in the fertile valley of the Aconcagua, 13 miles from its mouth, and 25 miles by rail NE. of Valparaiso. Pop. 9000.


Quiloa, or Kilwa, a seaport of German East Africa, 190 miles S. of Zanzibar. Pop. 6000.


Quilon (Qwee-Ion'), a town of Southern India, in the state Travancore, on the west coast, 85 miles NW. of Cape Comorin. A settlement of the ancient Syrian Church, it became Portuguese in 1503, and Dutch in 1653. Pop. 15,588.


Quimper (Kang-pair), a town of France (dep. Finistere), on the Odet, 11 miles from its mouth, and 63 by rail SE. of Brest. It has a stately cathedral (1239-1515), potteries, tan yards, sail-works, etc. Population, 19,500.


Quimperle, a pretty Breton town of 5417 inhabitants, amidst hills, 35 miles ESE. of Quimper by rail, with an old Romanesque church.


Quinag, a Sutherland mountain (2653 feet), on the N. side of Loch Assynt.


Quincy, (1) the third city of Illinois, and capital of Adams county, is on the Mississippi River (here crossed by an important railway bridge), 160 miles above St Louis and 262 by rail SW. of Chicago. It has a fine court-house, a medical college, an Episcopal cathedral, large flour-mills, machine-shops, foundries, saw- and planing-mills, breweries, and factories of stoves, furniture, carriages, tobacco, etc. Pop. (1880) 27,268; (1900) 36,252. - (2) A town of Massachusetts, near the sea, and S miles S. of Boston by rail. The township produces the famous Quincy granite, and was the birthplace of John Hancock, John Adams, and his son, John Quincy Adams. Pop. 25,000.