
Saginaw', the third city of Michigan, and capital of Saginaw county, is built on an elevated plateau on the Saginaw River, 108 miles by rail NNW. of Detroit. It manufactures flour, salt, lumber, barrels, sashes, doors, and blinds, etc, and exports lumber and salt. There was a great fire in May 1893. Pop. (1880) 29,541; (1900) 42,345. - Saginaw Bay, an arm of Lake Huron, is 60 miles long by 30 wide, and has several fine harbours. The river Saginaw (80 miles) falls into it.


Saguenay (Sa-gay-nay'), a large river of Canada, falling into the St Lawrence estuary on the north side, 115 miles below Quebec. It drains Lake St John, and flows almost straight 100 miles ESE. In its upper part, amid a wilderness of hills, it has numerous cataracts; but In the lower course, from the village of Chicoutimi down, it flows between precipitous cliffs, often 500 to 1500 feet high, and is in many places 2 or 3 miles broad, while the depth varies from 17 to 170, and even, near the mouth, to 500 fathoms. The largest vessels can ascend to near Chicoutimi; and great numbers of tourists visit the river.


Saguntum. See Murviedro.


Saharanpur', a town of the United Provinces of India, 125 miles by rail N. of Delhi, is the station for the sanatorium of Masuri (Mussoorie). It has an old Rohilla fort, a new mosque, St Thomas' Church (1858), and botanical gardens (1817). Pop. 71,000.


Saida. See Sidon.


Saigon (Sa-gong'), capital of French Cochin-China, stands on the river Saigon, a deltaic mouth of the Mekong, 60 miles from the sea. The French town has grown up since 1861, with its fine streets, squares, and boulevards. It has a magnificent governor's palace, a cathedral (1877), two higher colleges, an arsenal, a floating-dock and a dry-dock, and a botanical and zoological garden. Its population, consisting principally of Chinese, Annamese, and French, amounts to close on 50,000, while the business suburb of Cholon, 4 miles SW., has 125,000 inhabitants, more than a third of them Chinese. It exports rice, fish, salt, cotton, wood, beans, and hides.


Saikio. See Kyoto.


Saima, Lake. See Finland.

St Abbs

St Abbs, a seaside resort and fishing-village in Berwickshire, 2 1/2 miles SE. of St Abb's Head (and formerly called Coldingham Shore).

St Abbs Head

St Abb's Head, a rocky promontory (310 feet) of Berwickshire, 4 miles NNW. of Eyemouth. Here is a lighthouse (1861).

St Affrique

St Affrique (Sangt Affreek'), a town of the French dep. of Aveyron, 56 miles NW. of Mout-pellier. Pop. 5163.

St Agnes

St Agnes, a town of Cornwall, on the Bristol Channel, 9 miles NW. of Truro. Pop. of parish, 4249. See also Scilly Islands.

St Albans Head

St Alban's Head. See Dorsetshire.

St Amand

St Amand (Savgt Amongd'), a town of France (dep. Cher), on the Cher, 25 miles SSE. of Bourges, with ironworks and potteries. Pop. 7897.

St Amand-les-Eaux

St Amand-les-Eaux (Sangt Amongd'-leh-Zo), a town of France, dep. Nord, 8 miles NW. of Valenciennes, with hot sulphur-springs and a ruined abbey. Pop. 13,340.