This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Selenga, a river (740 miles) of Mongolia and Siberia, flowing by three arms into Lake Baikal. It is navigable in summer for 200 miles from the Chinese frontier, and steamers ply on it.
Seleu'cia, the name of several ancient cities in Syria, Pisidia, Pamphylia, Cilicia, Caria, and Mesopotamia, founded under the Seleucid kings.
Seli'nus, an ancient Greek colony of Sicily, now represented by ruins close to the modern Castelvetrano (q.v.).
Selkirk, a Scottish royal burgh, the county town of Selkirkshire, on an eminence 400 to 619 feet above sea-level, that flanks the right bank of Ettrick Water, 6 1/4 miles S. by W. of Galashiels by a branch-line (1856) and 40 SSE. of Edinburgh. The county buildings (1870), the town-hall (1803), with a spire 110 feet high, and the statues of Scott (1839) and Mungo Park (1859) are the chief features of the place, with the beautiful grounds of the Haining House. The 'souters of Selkirk' were long famous for their 'single-soled shoon;' but to-day the staple manufacture is that of tweeds, which dates from 1835. With Hawick and Galashiels, Selkirk returns one member since 1868. Pop. (1831) 1880; (1861) 3695; (1901) 6292. About 1113 Earl David founded at Schelechyrch ('kirk of the shiels ') a Tironensian abbey, which as David I. he removed about 1126 to Kelso (q.v.). Mr Andrew Lang is a native.
Selkirk Mountains, an outlying range of the Rocky Mountains, in British Columbia, extending southwards from about 52° N. lat. to near the United States frontier. The Canadian Pacific Railway climbs over the mountains at a point 4300 feet above the sea. See W. S. Green, Among the Selkirk Glaciers (1890).
Selma, capital of Dallas county, Alabama, on the Alabama River, 165 miles by rail NNE. of Mobile. It has ironworks, cotton-factories, steam planing-mills, car-works, etc. Pop. 8720.
Selsey, or Selsea, a village on a flat and fertile peninsula on the Sussex coast, 7 miles S. of Chichester. Here in the 7th century the cathedral church of the South Saxons was founded by Wilfrid of York; and twenty-two bishops held the see, ere in 1079 the bishopric was transferred to Chichester. The sea has greatly encroached on the peninsula, which ends in Selsey Bill; the site of the cathedral is now submerged. Pop. of parish, 12G0.
Setters, a village, 8 miles SE. by rail of Lim-burg in Nassau. Its springs supply the mineral waters called in England seltzer water.
Semendria, a fortress of Servia, on the Danube's right bank, 26 miles SE. of Belgrade. Pop. 6578.
Semipalatinsk', a province of Asiatic Russia, stretching northwards from Lake Balkash. It embraces outliers of the great Altai, rising to 10,000 feet, and enclosing wide stretches of steppe-land. Area, 183,145 sq. m.; pop. 685,197, mostly Kirghiz. The chief town, Semipalatinsk, is on the right bank of the Irtish; pop. 27,820.
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