
Shari (Shah'ree). See Chad, Lake.


Sharon, an extensive tract of plain and corn-land in Palestine, lying between the sand-dunes of the coast and the foot-hills of the interior, and extending from Carmel to near Joppa.


Sharon, a borough of Pennsylvania, on the Shenango River, 71 miles by rail NNW. of Pittsburgh. Pop. 8950.


Sha-shi, or Sha-tsze, a Chinese treaty port in Hupeh, on the left bank of the Yang-tsze, 110 miles below Ichang, with a great trade. Pop. 80,000.


Shat-el-Arab. See Euphrates.


Sheboygan, capital of Sheboygan county, Wisconsin, on Lake Michigan, at the mouth of the Sheboygan River, 53 miles by rail N. of Milwaukee. It has a harbour, foundries, tanneries, etc. Pop. (1880) 7314; (1900) 20,962.


Shechem. See Nablus. Sheen. See Richmond.


Sheerness', a strongly fortified seaport and royal dockyard in Kent, on the north-west extremity of the Isle of Sheppey, at the confluence of the Thames and Medway, 11 miles ENE. of Chatham and 52 E. of London by rail. It consists of four divisions, Blue-town, Mile-town, Banks-town, and Marina-town, and of these the first is within the limits of the garrison. The dockyard, dating from 1814, is one of the finest in Europe, and covers 60 acres, comprising wet and dry docks, immense storehouses, and official residences. At Garrison Point are the residence of the port-admiral, the telegraph, coastguard station, and barracks. The chief trade is in supplying the requirements of the employees in the government establishments, and seeds and oysters are exported. The sea-bathing is excellent. Pop. (1851) 8549; (1881) 14,286; (1901) 18,273. Sheerness was captured by the Dutch under De Ruyter in 1667, and here the mutiny of the Nore broke out in 1798.


Shemakha (She-mah'ha), a town of Russian Caucasus, 63 miles W. by N. of Baku, with silk manufactures. It was overwhelmed by an earthquake in 1859, and again in 1872. Pop. 28,545.


Shenando'ah, (1) a river of Virginia, drains the beautiful and fertile valley between the Blue Ridge and the principal range of the Alleghanies. It rises in two branches, which unite 85 miles W. of Washington, and runs 170 miles NE. to the Potomac, at Harper's Ferry. - (2) A borough of Pennsylvania, 105 miles north-west of Philadelphia, with a trade in anthracite coal. Population, 20,500.


Shendy, a town in Lower Nubia, on the Nile's right bank, 100 miles NNE. of Khartoum. Pop. 5000 (40,000 before 1822).


Shen-si, a northern inland province of China.

Shepherds Bush

Shepherd's Bush, a west suburb of London.


Shepley, a Yorkshire village, 7 miles SE. of Hudderstield. Pop. 1725.


Shepperton, a Middlesex Thames-side parish, 19 miles SW. of London. Pop. 1820.


Sheppey, Isle of, a portion of Kent, insulated from the mainland by the Swale, an arm of the Medway estuary. It now is only 9 miles long and 4 broad, the sea having gradually eaten away the northern shore, which is lined by cliffs of London clay 60 to 80 feet high. Minster church, formerly in the middle of the island, is now close to the north coast. In the north corn is grown, but the low south districts are laid out in grass. Almost all the inhabitants are massed in Sheer-ness (q.v.).