Sind, or Sindh (also Sinde and Scinde), a province of Bombay Presidency, bounded by Beluchistan, the Punjab, Bajputana, the Indian Ocean, and the Runn of Cutch. Area, 47,066 sq. m.; pop. (1901) 3,210,910. The sea-coast (150 miles) is low and flat, except the small portion beyond Karachi (Kurrachee), and is studded with mud-banks or sandhills. The province is traversed from north to south by the Indus (whence the name), and includes the whole of its delta. Along the river is an alluvial tract of great fertility, 2 to 12 miles wide, and mostly artificially irrigated. The soil contains in the north so much saltpetre, and in the south so much salt, that after the year's crops have been obtained these substances are extracted for home consumption and export. Between the Indus and its most easterly branch, the Nara, is an alluvial 'doab,' which, from want of irrigation, has become almost a desert. East of this is the Thur, a desert of shifting sand. West of the Indus the country is occupied by the desert of Shikarpur on the north, a desert not of sand, but of alluvial clay, the same as that of the delta, which only requires irrigation to render it fertile; and in the south it is traversed by the Hala Mountains. The climate is remarkably sultry and dry. The population consists of the native Sindis, with a large sprinkling of Beluchis and Afghans; the greater portion of them are Sunnite Mohammedans, and almost all are wholly engaged in agriculture. Trade is concentrated at Kurrachee (q.v.), the capital. Raw cotton, wool, and grain are the principal exports. Other towns are Hyderabad (57,790), Shikarpur, Lark-hana, and Sukkur. Sind has been a British province since 1843. See five volumes by Sir R. Burton (1851-77), and A. W. Hughe's Gazetteer of Sind (1876).