St Trond

St Trond, a manufacturing town of Belgian Limburg, 12 miles WNW. of Tongres.

St Ubes

St Ubes. See Setubal.

St Valery

St Valery, two French watering-places on the English Channel, one (Valery-en-Caux) 17 miles WSW. of Dieppe, the other (Valery-sur-Somine) 30 miles NE. of Dieppe, each with about 3500 inhabitants.

St Vincent

St Vincent, one of the British islands in the West Indies, Windward Group, 105 miles W. of Barbadoes. Area, 132 sq. m.; pop. (1881) 40,548; (1903) 48,250, of whom 3000 were whites. The island is traversed by a chain of volcanic mountains, which rise in the volcano called the Souffriere (destructive eruptions in 1812 and 1902; see St Pierre) to 3000 feet. Sugar, rum, cocoa, spices, and arrowroot are the principal products. The chief town is Kingstown (pop. 5200).

St Vincent

St Vincent, Cape, a promontory forming the SW. corner of Portugal. Off here, in 1693, Rooke was defeated by the French; in 1780 Rodney destroyed here several Spanish ships; in 1797 Jervis's great victory of Cape St Vincent resulted in the total defeat of the Spaniards and in 1833 the fleet of Queen Maria, commanded by Sir Charles Napier, defeated that of Dom Miguel.


Sais (Say-iss or Sah-eess), an ancient Egyptian city, on the Canopic branch of the Nile.


Sakai (Sa-ki), a town of Japan, in the SW. of Honshu, 7 miles S. of Osaka. Pop. 49,990.


Sakhalin. See Saghalien.


Sakkar. See Sukkur.


Sakkara (Sak-kah'ra), a village 10 miles S. of Cairo, near the ruins of Memphis, and famous for its eleven Pyramids (q.v.).


Sal'amis (now Koluri), a mountainous Greek island, off the coast of Attica, and forming with it the Bay of Eleusis. Area, 35 sq. m.; pop. 6500.

The chief town is the port of Koluri, on the west coast, itself with over 3500 inhabitants. In ancient times the towns of Old and New Sala-mis lay, the former on the south, the latter on the north-east coast. Salamis was an independent state till about 620 B.C., when it fell, first to Megara, next to Athens. Its name is ever memorable from the great naval victory of the Greeks over Xerxes' vast Persian fleet, fought (480 b.c.) a few days after the battle of Thermopylae, in the narrow strait between the east coast of Salamis and the west coast of Attica.


Salangor. See Selangor.


Salcombe, a South Devon town, on the W. side of Salcombe Haven, 4 miles S. of Kings-bridge. Its climate is reputed to be the warmest in England. Froude is buried here. Pop. 1720.

Saldanha Bay

Saldanha Bay. See Cape Colony.


Sale, a town of Cheshire, 5 miles SSW. of Manchester. Pop. 12,100.


Salemi (Salay'mee), a town in the west of Sicily, 39 miles SW. of Palermo. Pop. 11,512.


Salerno (anc. Salemum), a city of Italy, on the Gulf of Salerno, 33 miles by rail SE. of Naples. A hill behind the town is crowned by an old Norman castle. The beautiful cathedral of St Matthew was. erected by the Normans (1076-84). The city was celebrated for its university (founded in 1150, closed in 1817), and for its school of medicine, long the first in Europe, which decayed in the 14th century. In the neighbourhood are the ruins of PAestum (q.v.). Originally a Roman colony (194 B.C.), Salerno was made his capital by Robert Guiscard, and sacked by the Emperor Henry VI. Pop. 22,328.