Stirlingshire, a midland county of Scotland, forming the border-land between Highlands and Lowlands, is bounded by Perth, Clackmannan, Linlithgow, Lanark, and Dumbarton shires. With a maximum length and breadth of 46 and 22 miles, it has an area of 467 sq. m., or 298,579 acres, of which 3294 are foreshore and 8946 water. Th3 Forth traces much of the northern and all the north-eastern boundary; on the western lies Loch Lomond; and other lakes and streams belonging partly or wholly to Stirlingshire are Lochs Katrine and Arklet, and the Avon, Carron, Bannock, Endrick, and Blane. Ben Lomond, in the north-west, attains 3192 feet; and lesser elevations are the Gargunnock Hills (1591 feet), Kilsyth Hills (1393), Campsie Fells (1894), and Fintry Hills (1676). A considerable part of Stirlingshire is occupied by the carses of Stirling and Falkirk, which have in great measure been reclaimed from unproductive moss. About 40 per cent. of the whole area of the county is in cultivation; woods cover 14,241 acres. Coal and ironstone are largely mined; and there are the great ironworks of Carron and Falkirk, besides manufactures of woollens, cotton, chemicals, etc. The chief towns are Stirling, Falkirk, Kilsyth, Denny, and Grangemouth. The county returns one member. Pop. (1801) 50,825; (1841) 82,057; (1901) 142,291. Battles were fought at Stirling Bridge, Falkirk (1298 and 1745), Bannockburn, Sauchieburn, and Kilsyth.