
Tha'sos, the most northerly island in the Aegean, near the coast of Macedonia. Area, 167 sq. m.; pop. 12,000, almost all Greeks. The surface is covered with wooded hills (Hypsaria, 3428 feet). Its gold-mines were famous of old.


Thaxted, an Essex town, on the Chelmer, 6 miles N. of Dunmow. Samuel Purchas was a native. Pop. of parish, 1667. 'Thayet-myo, a town of Lower Burma, on the Irawadi, 40 miles NW. of Prome. Pop. 17,500.


Theiss (Tice; Hun. Tisza), the chief river of Hungary, rises by two streams, the Black Theiss and the White Theiss, in the Carpathians, and winds 750 miles NW., SW., and S., joining the Danube after running parallel to it for 300 miles. The Theiss has several large and navigable affluents, as the Maros and Bodrog. The lower part of its course is sluggish, and it has often inundated the plains, flooding the cities on its banks, such as Szegedin (q.v.). Much has lately been done to regulate the course and drain the marshes on its banks.

Theobalds {Tibalds)

Theobalds {Tib'alds), Hertfordshire, near Wal-tham Cross, 13 miles N. of London, a former mansion built by Lord Burghley, and exchanged for Hatfield in 1607 by his son the Earl of Salisbury with James I., who died here. It was demolished in 1650 and 1762. The present Theobalds Park, across the New River, is the 18th-c. seat of the Meux family. Here Temple Bar, removed in 1878-79, was re-erected in 1888.


Theodosia (see Kaffa), the town which superseded Sebastopol as a commercial port.


Thdodule. See Zermatt.


Thera. See Santorin.


Therap'ia, a town of 3000 inhabitants, on the Bosphorus, 15 miles NE. of Constantinople.


Theresio'pel. See Szabadka.


Thermop'ylAe (lit., 'hot gates'), a pass leading from Thessaly into Locris, and the only road by which an invading army can penetrate from northern into southern Greece. In it are several hot springs, whence the name probably. It has won an eternal celebrity by the heroic death here of Leonidas and his 300 Spartans in their attempt to stem the tide of Persian invasion (480 B.C.).


Thessaloni'ca. See Salonica.


Thes'saly, the largest division of ancient Greece, lay S. of Macedonia and E. of Epirus. In 1204 a.d. it came under the Venetians, and in 1355 was taken by the Turks. In 1881 Turkey ceded to Greece (q.v.), Thessaly S. of mountains forming the watershed of the Salambria (anc. Peneus), by much the largest and most fertile section of the province. The Greek portion constitutes the three nomarchies of Larissa, Trikhala, and Phthiotis with Phocis.


Thian-shan. See Tian-shan.


Thibet. See Tibet.


Thielt (Teelt), a town of Belgium, 18 miles SE. of Bruges by rail. Pop. 10,800.

Thiers {Tee-air)

Thiers {Tee-air'), a manufacturing town in the French dep. of Puy-de-D6me, on the Durole, 23 miles ENE. of Clermont by rail. Pop. 17,500.


Thionville (Tee-ong'-veel; Ger. Diedenhofen), a fortified town of Lorraine, 18 miles N. of Metz. Taken by Conde in 1643, it fell with Lorraine to France, but was besieged and taken by the Germans, 9th-25th November 1870. Pop. 10,100.