This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Uralsk (Ooralsk), a Russian town, on the Ural's right bank, 280 miles N. of its mouth in the Caspian Sea. Pop. 40,000. - Area of Uralsk government, 139,168 sq. m.; pop. 692,500.
Urban'a, capital of Champaign county, Ohio, 95 miles NNE. of Cincinnati. It manufactures woollens, carriages, glue, etc. Pop. 6810.
Urbino (Oorbee'no; anc. Urbinum Hortense), a city of Central Italy, nestling among wooded hills, between the rivers Foglia and Metauro, 29 miles from Faro station (97 miles by rail SE. of Bologna). It is a town of narrow, tortuous streets, with an archbishop's cathedral; a magnificent ducal palace (1447; restored, and now housing the tine art institution); a free university (1564) with some 90 students; and the house in which Raphael was born, now the town museum. Urbino was the seat of a line of independent dukes from 1474 to 1631. Pop. (commune) 18,300.
Ure, a river in the North Riding of Yorkshire, flowing 50 miles E. and SE. till at Myton it joins the Swale to form the Ouse.
Urfa, a modern name for Edessa (q.v.).
Urga (Oorga), the religious capital of Mongolia, on the river Tola, 180 miles SE. of Kiachta, on the trade-route to Peking. Its college of Mongolian priests is the seat of the Bogdan or Lama of the Mongols. Pop. (partly living in tents outside the city proper) 30,000, of whom 6000 or 7000 are Chinese.
Urgel (or Seo de Urgel; Oor-hel), a town in the Catalonian province of Lerida, at the foot of the Pyrenees. Pop. 2835. See Andorra.
Urgenj. See Khiva.
Uri (Ooree), one of the 'Forest Cantons' of Switzerland, forms part of the hill country which surrounds the Lake of Lucerne; area, 416 sq. m.; population, 20,000. It consists of the Reuss's valley, traversed by the great road and the rail-way into Italy over the St Gothard Pass. Altorf (q.v.) is the capital. See Sowerby, The Forest Cantons of Switzerland (1892).
Uriconium. See Wroxeter.
Urie. See Inverurie.
Urmia (Oor'meea), a town of the Persian province of Azerbijan, 10 miles W. of the Lake of Urmia; pop. 32,000. It was said to be Zoroaster's birthplace. The Lake (4500 feet above the sea) measures 90 miles by 25; contains numerous islands; has no outlet, but many feeders, some 80 to 150 miles long; is intensely salt; and is only 12 to 40 feet deep.
Urr Water, a Kirkcudbrightshire stream, flowing 27 miles S. by E. to the Solway Firth.
Uruguay River rises in Brazil, and flows nearly 1000 miles W. and S. to form with the Parana the La Plata (q.v.) estuary. It separates Brazil and Uruguay from Argentina; is much encumbered by rapids; but is navigable to Salto (200 miles).
Urumiah. See Urmia.
Urumtsi (Ooroomtsee), the chief city in Chinese Zungaria, at the N. base of the Tian-shan Mountains. It commands the main route from Mongolia into Eastern Turkestan. Pop. 20,000-30,000.
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