Vero'na, a city of Italy, on the Adige, at the base of the foot-hills of the Alps, 72 miles W. of Venice by rail, is a fortress of the first class, a member of the famous Quadrilateral. Its strength now depends on outlying forts. The amphitheatre (2d or 3d c. a.d.) has a lesser diameter of 404 feet. Other Roman remains are gateways, part of a theatre, and some mosaics. The streets are wide, especially the Corso; there are four principal squares, of which the Piazza dei Signori contains the palace of the Delia Scala (1370) and the superb Palazzo del Consiglio. The cathedral dates from 1187, and has an altarpiece by Titian; the Romanesque basilica of St Zeno is larger and more interesting. The palaces are numerous and fine. The ancient castle of Theodoric is a barrack; the Castle of the Scalas (1355) is a barrack and arsenal. The picture-gallery is especially rich in pictures of the Paduan, Venetian, and Veronese (Pisano, Morone, etc.) schools. Paul Veronese, though a native, belonged to the Venetian school. Among the glories of the place are the tombs of the Scala family, with their wondrous wrought-iron railing (1350-80). There is a large transit trade with Germany by the Brenner railway, and manufactures of silk, woollens and cottons, furniture, musical instruments, etc. Pop. 75,300. Verona, long the Lombard capital, was afterwards torn by the struggles of Ghibellines and Guelphs, being the home of Shakespeare's Capulets and Montagues. From 1260 to 1387 the Scala or Scaliger family exercised a brilliant tyranny over the city. It fell then to Milan, in 1405 to Venice, and with Venice passed under Austrian domination till 1866.