
Wieliczka (Vyay-litch'ka), a town of Austrian Galicia, 10 miles SE. of Cracow by rail, with remarkable salt-mines. Pop. 6289.


Wiener-Neustadt, a manufacturing town of Lower Austria, 70 miles S. of Vienna. Pop. 29,300.


Wiesen (Vee'zen), an alpine health-resort for the weak-chested, is 4771 feet above the sea-level, and 12 1/2 miles SW. of Davos.


Wigton, a market-town of Cumberland, 11 1/4 miles by rail SW. of Carlisle. It manufactures ginghams and winceys. Pop. 3690.


Wi-ju (Wee-joo), the last considerable Corean town (pop. 30,000) towards the Chinese frontier, to the south of the Yalu estuary. It was opened to foreign trade in 1904.


Wildbad (Vild'bad), a town of Wurtemberg, in the Black Forest, on the Enz, 33 miles SSE. of Carlsruhe. Its salt baths (90° to 98° F.) are beneficial for rheumatism, gout, paralysis, etc. The visitors exceed 7000 annually. Pop. 3534.


Wilderness, a region in Virginia, 2 miles S. of the Rapidan, covered with thicket, and memorable for the indecisive two days' battle fought here by Grant and Lee, May 5-0, 1804. The Union loss was 18,000, the Confederate 11,000.


Wilhelmshaven (Vilhelmshah'fen), the chief naval port of Germany, on the W. side of the entrance of the Bay of Jahde, 45 miles NW. of Bremen. Inaugurated by King William in 1869, it is now a fortress of the first rank, defended by out-lying forts and torpedoes, and, with its moles, basins, dry-docks, vast navy stores and workshops, has been a very costly creation - the massive buildings being erected on swampy ground. Water is furnished by artesian wells. A commercial harbour has been made to the south of and connected with the naval one. Pop. 23,800.


Wilhelmshohe (Vilhelmshay'eh). See Cassel.


Wilkesbarre (Wilks'bar-rey), capital of Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, on the left bank of the N. branch of the Susquehanna, 18 miles SW. of Scranton. Lying in the picturesque Wyoming Valley (q.v.), it is famous for its mines of anthracite coal, and manufactures locomotives, railroad-cars, mining machinery, ropes, pottery, etc. Pop. (1870) 10,174; (1890) 37,718; (1900) 51,721.


Willamette. See Oregon.


Willemstad, capital of Curacao (q.v.).


Willenhall, a town of Staffordshire, 3 miles E. of Wolverhampton. Pop. 18,520.


Willesden, a Middlesex parish, 7 miles WNW. of St Paul's. Pop. (1901) 114,811.


Williamsburg, capital of James City county, Virginia, near the James River, 48 miles ESE. of Richmond. Here are William and Mary College (1693) and the Eastern State Lunatic Asylum. Founded in 1632, it was the colonial and state capital till 1779. McClellan took it after severe fighting, May 5-6, 1862. Pop. 2050.


Williamsport, capital of Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, on the west bank of the Susquehanna (here crossed by a suspension bridge), 93 miles N. of Harrisburg. Lying in the midst of attractive scenery, it is a popular summer-resort, but is chiefly notable as a great lumber mart. Pop. (1880) 18,934; (1900) 28,757.