This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Wim'mera. See Victoria.
Wincanton, a Somerset town, on the Cale, 5 miles SSE. of Bruton. Pop. of parish, 2109.
Winceby. See Horncastle.
Winchcomb, a Gloucestershire market-town, on the Isborne, under the Cotswolds, 7 miles NE. of Cheltenham. Pop. of parish, 2864.
Win'chelsea, a decayed Cinque Port of Sussex, affiliated to Hastings, is 2 miles SW. of Rye by rail, and from 1832 to 1885 was included in the parliamentary borough of Rye. The present ancient city (pop. 1000) is New Winchelsea. Old Winchelsea stood 3 miles SE., but was finally submerged by the sea in 1287. New Winchelsea was built on a quadrangular plan by Edward I. Parts of a Franciscan monastery and three of the gateways remain. See Inderwick's Story of New Winchelsea (1892).
Winchester, capital of Frederick county, Virginia, in the valley of the Shenandoah, 87 miles WNW. of Washington. Pop. 5166.
Windau (Vin-dow), a Russian seaport in Cour-land, 120 miles NE. of Memel. Pop. 7094.
Win'dermere, or Winandebmere, the largest lake in England, called from its beauty ' Queen of the Lakes,' is partly in Lancashire, and partly divides it from Westmorland. It is 10 1/2 miles long, not quite 1 mile in extreme breadth; and, lying 134 feet above sea-level, discharges its surplus waters southward into Morecambe Bay by the Leven. Next to Wast Water, Windermere is the deepest of all the English lakes, its greatest depth being 219 feet, while Wast Water is 258 feet deep. It contains a number of islands, the largest being 28 acres in area. Soft rich beauty is the main feature of the lake; there being a total absence of that sublimity which characterises some of the other lakes, except at the north end, where Langdale Pikes, Harrison Stickle, Sea Fell, and Bow Fell stand forward prominently. Windermere village (pop. 2400), nearly a mile from the E. shore, and 300 feet above its level, has a railway station.
Windlesham, a Surrey parish, 8 miles WSW. of Chertsey. Pop. 3420.
Windrush, a river of Gloucester and Oxford shires, flowing 30 miles to the Thames.
Windward Islands. See West Indies.
Winestead, a Yorkshire parish, 12 1/2 miles ESE. of Hull. Andrew Marvell was a native.
Winfield, a town of Kansas, on Whitewater Creek, 247 miles S\V. of Kansas City. Pop. 5584.
Wingfield, a Suffolk parish, 4 1/2 miles S. by W. of Harleston, with the old castle of the De la Poles.
Wingfield, South, a Derbyshire parish, 2 miles W. of Alfreton, with the ruins of Wingfield Manor House, where Mary Stuart was a captive.
Winneba'go. See Wisconsin.
Win'nipeg, capital of the Canadian province of Manitoba, stands at the confluence of the Assiniboine with the Red River, 1424 miles by rail WNW. of Montreal and 512 NNW. of Minneapolis. Formerly known as Fort Garry, from a post of the Hudson Bay Company, it was incorporated as Winnipeg in 1873. It is substantially built, with wide streets traversed by tramways and lit with the electric light, and with the government offices, city hall, a fine hospital, the university of Manitoba, great flour-mills and grain-elevators, the shops of the Canadian Pacific Railway, etc. Pop. (1871) 241; (1881) 7985; (1901) 42,340.
Winnipeg, Lake, in Manitoba, 40 miles N. of Winnipeg city, and 650 feet above sea-level, is 280 miles long, 57 miles broad, and 8500 sq. m. in area. Its largest tributaries are the Saskat chewan, the Winnipeg, and the Red River of the North; its outlet is the Nelson River.
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