This section is from the book "Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World", by David Patrick. Also available from Amazon: Chambers's Concise Gazetteer Of The World.
Za'ma, a city and fortress in Numidia, about 100 miles SW. of Carthage, near which Hannibal was defeated by the Younger Scipio, 201 B.C.
Zambesia, a name for that portion of the territory watered by the river Zambesi which is now under British protection, sometimes loosely used for most of the country under the British South African Company (chartered in 1889). South Zambesia (southwards of the river) embraces Mashonaland (q.v.), Matabeleland (q.v.), a part of Manicaland, and Khama's Country in the Bechuanaland protectorate. North Zambesia extends to Lakes Tanganyika and Nyassa (q.v.). The railway from Beira to Salisbury, from Vry-burg to Bulawayo, and the Cape-to-Cairo railway to the Victoria Falls (1904) are open. Zambesia, except the British South Africa Protectorate, is now part of Rhodesia (q.v.).
Zambesia, one of the administrative districts of Portuguese East Africa, in the lower valley of the Zambesi River.
Zamora (Span. pron. Tha-mo'ra), a very ancient town of Spain, on the Douro, 150 miles NW. of Madrid by rail. It has a late Romanesque cathedral, and some linen and woollen manufactures. Pop. 16,577. - Area of province, 4135 sq. m.; pop. (1900) 275,545.
Zamosc', a fortified town of Russian Poland, 154 miles SE. of Warsaw. Pop. 12,500.
Zanesville, a town of Ohio, on the Muskingum River, 67 miles by rail E. of Columbus. The river is crossed by an iron railway bridge 538 feet long (and by others) to its suburbs, Putnam and West Zanesville. It has rich coal-mines close by, and manufactures engines, boilers, flour, iron, cottons and woollens, glass, paper, tiles, etc. Pop. (1880) 18,113; (1900) 23,540.
Zanguebar'. See Zanzibar.
Zan'te (anc. Zacynthos), one of the Ionian Islands, 9 miles from the NW. coast of the Morea, and 8 S. of Cephalonia, is 24 miles long and 12 broad; pop. 45,522. In the west it attains a maximum altitude of 24S6 feet; the centre is fertile, and mainly devoted to growing the currant vine. Earthquakes are not infrequent, one of the worst in the beginning of 1893. - Zante, the capital, the largest town in the Ionian Islands, is at the head of a small bay on the east coast; pop. 14,650.
Zara (Zah-ra; Slav. Zadar), capital of Dal-matia, on a promontory into the Adriatic, 130 miles SE. of Trieste, with a well-protected harbour. Its archiepiscopal cathedral (1205) was founded by Henry Dandolo, Doge of Venice. A marble column is all that is left of an ancient Roman temple; there are also the remains of a Roman aqueduct. The chief manufactures are the making of glass and of maraschino and rosoglio. Pop. 32,500, mainly Italians.
Zarafshan. See Bokhara.
Zaragoza (Tharago'tha). See Saragossa.
Zarskoe. See Tsarskoye Selo.
Zaru'ma, a town of Ecuador, on the west slope of the Andes, 95 miles S. of Guayaquil. It has gold and quicksilver mines. Pop. 6000.
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