
Zea. See Ceos.


Zealand (Dutch Zeeland), a province of the Netherlands, consists of portions of Flanders (East and West) and of the islands Walcheren, North Beveland, South Beveland, Schouwen, Duiveland, and Tholen, with an area of 690 sq. m. and a pop. of 220,000.


Zea'land (Dan. Sjalland), a level island, the largest and most important of Denmark, lies between the Cattegat and the Baltic, and is separated by the Sound from Sweden and by the Great Belt from Funen. Length, 81 miles; breadth, 67 miles; area, 2670 sq. m.; pop. (including the small islands of Moen, Samso, etc.) 960,250. In it are Copenhagen, Elsinore, and Korsor.


Zebu, one of the Philippine Islands (q.v.).


Zeebrugge, the port of Bruges (q.v.), with which it is connected by a ship-canal made in 1895-1903.


Zee'han (Dutch Zeehaan, 'sea-hen'), a mining township on the west coast of Tasmania, 29 miles by rail from the port of Strahan or Macquarie Harbour. The name is taken from a prominent mountain, 3 miles south-west, which Tasman, in 1642, named after one of his two ships. The township (population, 5000) owes its existence to the discovery in 1884 of rich silver-lead ores in great abundance.


Zeeland. See Zealand.


Zeila, or Zeyla. See Somali-land.


Zeitun (Zi-toon'), a town 25 miles NW. of Marash in the highlands of the Aleppo province, with iron-mines. Pop. 20,000, mainly Armenian Christians.


Zeist. See Zevst.


Zeitz (Tzitz), a walled town of Prussian Saxony, on the right bank of the White Elster, 23 miles SW. of Leipzig by rail. It manufactures woollens, cottons, calicoes, sugar, wax-cloth, pianofortes, cycles, etc. Pop. 27,400.


Zelle (Tzel'leh), or Cell, a manufacturing town of Prussia, on the navigable Aller, 28 miles by rail NE. of Hanover. From the 14th c. till 1705 it was the residence of the Dukes of Brunswick-Luneburg; and in the old castle (1485) George III.'s unfortunate sister, Caroline Matilda of Denmark, lived from 1772 to 1775, and here she is buried. Pop. 20,000.


Zengg (Zeng), an Austrian port on the Croatian coast, 75 miles SE. of Trieste, with an old cathedral. Pop. 3039.


Zenjan', a town of Persia, half-way between Tabriz and Teheran. Pop. 25,000.


Zen'ta, a town of Hungary, on the Theiss, 33 miles S. of Szegedin by rail. Pop. 28,600.


Zerafshan'. See Bokhara.


Zerbst (Tzerbst), a town in the duchy of An-halt, on a tributary of the Elbe, 26 1/2 miles SE. of Magdeburg by rail. Pop. 17,069.


Zermatt (Tzer-matt'), a Swiss tourist centre (pop. 725) near the upper end of the Visp valley in Valais, 25 miles SSW. of Visp by the railway opened in 1891. It stands 5315 feet above the sea, having to the S. the great Theodule glacier, surrounded by the Breithorn, Monte Rosa, and Matterhorn. The Theodule Pass or Matterjoch (10,899 feet) leads to Aosta in Italy.