Now and then a large trotting-bred stallion begets stylish coachers when bred to suitable mares. (See chapter on Breeding.) In fact, many coachers up to about 1875 were so produced. Soon after the war of 1861-65 an unusual demand arose for coachers, and the market soon demanded better horses, or, rather, far better prices were received for really superior coachers than had formerly been realized. The rapid increase in wealth during the last quarter of the 19th century has made it possible to sell really good coachers at double and triple the prices secured for them in early years. This demand not only stimulated the importation of both English and French coach stallions, but also the breeding of coachers from large trotting sires and large symmetrical mares having a dash, at least, of thoroughbred blood. In fact, some good coachers have been produced by this method of breeding. It is unexplainable why the lovers of horses did not, when the demand arose for coachers, select and systematically unite the good blood already possessed in the large trotter and beautiful mixed-blooded mares. With such animals as foundation stock, a few generations of skilful breeding, coupled with judicious but liberal feeding, would have produced a coacher of sufficient size to meet the most exacting demands, and of superior endurance, style and courage. It is not yet too late to produce an American coacher, if we can be weaned from the notion that, of necessity, everything imported has quality and value above the home production. Out of the thoroughbred and selected superior mixed-blooded road-mares has been developed in America a superb, unequaled, utilitarian and pleasure-giving animal, unexcelled in any other country. From the same blood and by similar methods, in less time and at far less expense and pains than have been incurred in producing the trotter, a potent breed of coacher might have been produced. Sooner or later it will have to be done, or rather it will be done; and then an imported coacher will be as rare as imported Merino sheep, or an imported steam-locomotive.

It may be said, the fact that Europeans are purchasing large numbers of horses in America for cavalry mounts and other army purposes proves conclusively that many good sires and dams, usually of mixed blood, are possessed by American farmers. As these pages are being written, it is reported that nearly 20,000 army horses have been shipped from New Orleans to South Africa for war purposes during the last two months. It would seem that while we have good foundation stock for the production of cavalry-horses, we are importing Demi-Sang cavalry-stall ions from France to be used for siring coachers. If, then, the largest and best of French cavalry-stallions are suitable for producing coachers, why can not the largest and best of the American Demi-Sangs, or mixed-bloods, also be used for producing coachers? Since they are virtually of the same lineage, - that is, they have a liberal infusion of "warm" or oriental blood liberally mixed with good but unknown or nondescript blood.