Materials And Supplies

1 ;mens or ladies old felt hats sewing thread size 40 wrapping paper

2 ;sequins and 2 small beads

4" x 4" white cotton jersey (can be taken from white cotton sock) 60 1/4" wooden or plastic beads, or 60 shirt buttons 6 strand embroidery thread, black and red

5 small jingle bells 4 yards heavy string old nylon stocking 1 " square red felt


pair of sharp scissors straight pins sewing needle number 5 yarn darning needle number 14 pencil ruler compass pair pinking scissors (optional)

The instructions are for making a clown doll using old felt hats of contrasting colors. If the hats are soiled they must be cut apart in sections, washed with mild soap and warm water, straightened and left to dry on a flat surface like the bottom of a bathtub. The bells are the ones that are popular around Christmas and may be purchased in local dime stores at about two cents each. There is little sewing required to make this clown.


1. For patterns cut four wrapping paper circles with the following diameters:— 11/4, 13/4, 2 54, and 31/2 inches. On the

Floppy Felt Clown

Figure 69. Floppy Felt Clown.

11/4 inch circle, write "Arms—12 main color, 12 contrasting color." On the 13/4 inch circle, write "Legs—14 main color, 14 contrasting color." On the 21/4 inch circle, write "Body— 6 main color, 6 contrasting color." On the 31/2 inch circle, write "Face—cut one of jersey."

2. Cut the required number of circles as you have written on each pattern piece. If you have a pair of pinking scissors, take two 11/4 inch circles, two 13/4 inch circles, and one 21/4 inch circle, and with them trim off a quarter of an inch around the edge of each. If you do not have a pair of pinking scissors, take these same felt circles and trim them a little smaller with your regular pair of scissors.

3. ;Cut the nylon stocking into half inch strips across the width. Prepare the cotton jersey circle as follows:—With double thread sew a small running stitch around the circle an eighth of an inch in from the edge. Draw up the thread to gather the material slightly and stuff the scraps of stocking into it. Try to use the entire stocking in order to have a firm face. Pull the gathers as tightly as you can and tie the thread securely four times.

Cut a small circle of red felt for the nose and a quarter moon shape for the mouth. Leave the tied part for the back of the head, and on the front, with pencil, draw a smiling face. Pin the felt nose and mouth in position. Sew them securely with tiny stitches using the red thread. Sew the sequins on for the eyes, coming up through the sequin with the needle and thread, going through the small bead, and then going back through the sequin sewing it in place. In this way no stitch shows because the bead holds the sequin down. Use uneven lazy daisy or straight stitches for the hair using black thread. Use the outline stitch in black for the eyebrows.

4. ;A hat pattern will have to be cut of wrapping paper first then of the main color felt. Draw a triangle with a base of 21/2 inches and height cf 33/4 inches. Cut two felt triangles this size and sew the two long sides of both together with tiny stitches. It should look like a dunce cap. Pin the hat to the head bringing the edge of the hat to the end of the hair line so that the black hair shows out. Sew the hat to the head with small stitches.

5. ;Thread two yards of string double into the darning needle. Make a knot at the end and take a few stitches through the bottom of the head. Go through the center of each of the twelve largest circles commencing with the smaller one of this size that you have pinked or trimmed smaller. Alternate the colors and string a bead between the circles. Tie a double knot at the end of the body. The body should be about three inches long from the neck to the crotch. Do not cut the string off after knotting because the strings are used for the legs.

6. ;On each of the leg strings (there should be two for each leg since the body had four if you threaded the needle with double thread correctly and knotted the ends) string fourteen medium sized circles beginning with the contrasting color. Alternate colors with a bead between circles, and ending with the smaller main color of that size. Push the circles together closely and tie three knots at the end of each leg. Be sure the legs are the same length. Do not cut off the remaining string which will be used for the bells.

7. ;For the arms tie a double string about a yard long to the body string below the second circle from the neck. For each arm thread twelve circles, beginning with the contrasting color and ending with the smaller circle of that size, with beads between circles. Tie three knots at the end of each arm. The arms must be the same length. Do not cut off the remaining string which will be used for the bells.

8. ;Pin each top leg circle to the last body circle and sew them together with small stitches for an inch. This forms the hips. Pin and sew each third arm circle to the second body circle in the same way. This forms the shoulders. At the back of the head sew the first body circle to the lower edge of the hat. This will cover any seam of the head circle which may show.

9. ;Tie bells to the ends of the arms and legs strings going through the bells three times and knotting on to the strings above the original knots you made to keep them the right size. Cut off any remaining string. Sew a bell to the tip of the hat and sew the point of the hat to the side of the head.