The accompanying sketch shows a simple form of a print washing tank that tips from side to side by the weight of the water. For prints 4 by 5 and 5 by 7-in. a tank 2 ft. long and 1 ft. wide will be about the right size. This tank is then divided with a partition placed exactly in the center. This partition should extend 3 or 4 in. above the top of the tank. The partition may also extend below the tank about 1-1/2 in., or a piece of this width put on the bottom, as shown at A in the sketch.

Keeps Prints Constantly Moving

Keeps Prints Constantly Moving

A row of holes about 1/2 in. in diameter is bored through each end of the tank, as shown at B. These holes will allow the water to spill out while the opposite side is filling. The tank may be made from 1/2-in. material and when completed as shown, lined with oil cloth to make it watertight. The tank is placed with the partition directly under a water tap and the flow of water will cause it to tip from time to time, keeping the prints constantly moving about in the water.