Sound green tomatoes. 1 quart red tomatoes. 1 quart chopped cabbage. Vinegar. Sugar. 1 tablespoonful salt. 1 tablespoonful mustard. 1 teaspoonful black pepper. 1/2 pint (1 cup) chopped green peppers.

Cut off the tops from the green tomatoes, scoop out the inside, let them stand in a strong brine for two hours, then drain and wipe dry.

Peel and chop the red tomatoes, add the cabbage, salt, mustard, pepper, green peppers, and fill into the green tomatoes.

Sew on the tops, pack in a large clean stone jar and cover with boiling vinegar sweetened to taste. Repeat this process several mornings, then lay a few horseradish leaves on the top of the vinegar and cover well.