Egg Omelet No. 1

4 eggs

1/4 cupful water

1 tablespoonful flour pinch of salt

Smooth flour and water together, stir in the beaten yolks and salt, then stir in very lightly the stiffly beaten whites, and pour into a hot buttered pan. Shake the pan gently to keep the mixture from burning. As soon as brown on the bottom, fold it over and serve at once on a hot dish.

Chopped mushrooms are nice in omelet.

Add a little chopped green pepper to an omelet.

Egg Omelet No. 2

5 eggs

2 tablespoonfuls cream 1 tablespoonful butter 1 tablespoonful chopped parsley

1/2 teaspoonful onion juice pinch of salt little pepper dash of nutmeg

Beat the whites stiffly and set in a very cold place. Beat in with the yolks all of the other ingredients, add carefully to the whites and cook in hot buttered pan. As soon as the bottom of the mixture is a trifle set, lift the pan frequently to prevent burning. When the mixture is browned on the bottom, set in the oven to brown top.

Fruit Omelet

raisins lemons prunes figs citron oranges currants juice of 1 orange dash of cinnamon

Mix only enough of the fruit to just half fill a cup; run it through the chopper, add cinnamon and put all in a double boiler with the orange juice and let cook thirty minutes. Make the omelet of

4 eggs pinch of salt

1 tablespoonful sugar 1 teaspoonful butter

Beat eggs, add sugar and butter. Melt a second teaspoonful butter in a pan, turn in the mixture, letting it brown, continually lifting up the set part to let the uncooked run on the hot pan. When it is all set, pour in the hot fruit, fold over instantly and turn on a plate.