Fig Pudding

1 1/2 cupfuls bread crumbs

1 cupful chopped figs

1/2 cupful chopped nuts

1/2 cupful sugar

1/2 cupful peanut or olive oil

1/2 cupful milk

1 egg

1/4 teaspoonful salt

1/2 teaspoonful cinnamon

3/4 teaspoonful baking powder

Pour the milk over the bread crumbs in a mixing bowl, add the beaten egg, then the sugar with baking powder stirred in, figs, nuts, oil, salt and cinnamon, stirring well together. Steam three hours. This fills one ordinary steamed pudding dish.

Use dates instead of figs, if preferred, and serve with Pudding Sauce No. 1 or No. 2.

In steaming puddings, breads, etc., when necessary to add water, be sure you add boiling water.

Floating Island

2 cupfuls milk 2 eggs

4 tablespoonfuls sugar

1 tablespoonful corn starch

Place milk in double boiler and when at boiling point, add well beaten yolks, three tablespoonsfuls of the sugar, the corn starch smoothed into a little cold milk. Continue stirring till mixture thickens, remove from fire and pour into a dish. Beat the whites very stiff, add the fourth tablespoonful of sugar, and drop like little islands over the top of the custard, putting in the oven a few moments to brown.

One-half cupful chopped nuts may be sprinkled over the islands for a change.

Steamed Fruit Roll

Roll biscuit dough as in making biscuits, spread with jam or marmalade, roll tightly like jelly roll and steam on a pie plate for about thirty minutes. Place in the oven about ten minutes. Serve with sauce.

Ginger Pudding

1/4 lb. ginger snaps 2 eggs

1/2 cupful raisins 1 teaspoonful butter milk 2 tablespoonfuls sugar pinch of baking powder

Break the snaps in small pieces and soak in enough milk to just cover them. Mix baking powder and sugar, and stir into beaten eggs, add butter, raisins, mix all together and bake. Serve with sauce.

Baked Indian Pudding

1/2 cupful molasses 1/2 teaspoonful salt

1 pint cold milk 1/2 cupful yellow corn meal

1 quart boiling milk

Stir the meal, then salt, into the boiling milk, and when nearly cold, add molasses and cold milk; bake slowly for three hours. Serve hot or cold with sweetened cream.

Potato Pudding

3/4 cupful sugar

1/2 cupful chopped nuts

3/4 cupful potatoes

1 tablespoonful melted butter 1 tablespoonful lemon juice 4 eggs

To the stiffly beaten whites add sugar, lemon and beaten yolks, and the other ingredients. Mix thoroughly. Steam two hours. Serve with hard sauce.

Tapioca Pudding

1/3 cupful tapioca 1/4 cupful corn meal

4 cupfuls scalded milk 3/4 cupful molasses

1 cupful milk 3 tablespoonfuls butter

1 1/2 teaspoonfuls salt

Soak tapioca two or three hours in water to cover it.

Pour the scalded milk over corn meal, add molasses, softened butter and salt. Cook this mixture about twenty minutes in double boiler, drain water from tapioca, stir tapioca into the cooked mixture and pour into a buttered baking dish. Then pour the cold milk over this, being careful not to stir. Bake about one and one-half hours in a slow oven. Serve with sugar and cream.