Quick Soup

1 quart can tomatoes 1/4 cupful flour

1 slice of onion 2 tablespoonfuls butter

2 cupfuls water 1 teaspoonful salt a blade of mace

Put tomatoes, water, salt, onion and mace to boiling point, and add flour and butter smoothed together. Stir constantly till the mixture boils, run through a sieve, heat and serve with croutons.

Salsify Soup

Salsify is the vegetable oyster. Scrape the salsify, cut in small pieces to fill a quart measure, put immediately into cold water. Cook till tender, being careful not to burn it, put through a colander, add one quart milk, butter size of egg and one-half teaspoonful salt. Let come to a boil and remove from fire.

Tomato Soup

1 quart cut tomatoes 1 cucumber

2 cupfuls water 1/8teaspoonful cloves

1 slice of onion 1 dessertspoonful sugar part of a bay leaf

Wash, peel, and cut the tomato and cucumber in small pieces to make one quart. Boil with the other ingredients for twenty minutes, put through a strainer. Prepare

2 tablespoonfuls butter

3 tablespoonfuls flour

1 teaspoonful salt 1/3 teaspoonful soda

Warm the butter and smooth in the flour, add salt and soda dissolved in a little hot water, stirring constantly, add gradually the hot soup, let come to a boil, and remove from fire.

Vegetable Soup

2 potatoes 2 quarts water 1 cupful tomato 1 carrot 1 onion

1 turnip

1/4 cupful rice

1 teaspoonful salt dash of pepper

2 tablespoonfuls olive oil

Peel potatoes, turnip and onion, scrape the carrot, slice each very thinly, put into the cold water and boil one hour. Pour boiling water over the rice in double boiler, cook till partly done, then add to the vegetables that have been cooked one hour, and put in the other ingredients and cook one more hour.

Corn Chowder

4 cupfuls chopped corn 2 tablespoonfuls olive oil

4 cupfuls sliced potatoes 1/2 cupful flour

2 chopped onions 2 cupfuls hot milk salt

Cut the kernels from about a dozen ears of corn and put through the food chopper. Slice the potatoes very thinly. Put the oil in the kettle, and stir the onions in it for about five minutes, then put in a layer of corn, then potatoes, sprinkling each layer with salt and flour, adding the layers till vegetables are all used. Then just cover with boiling water and let cook for thirty minutes, turn in the hot milk and serve hot.

Nut Chowder

4 potatoes 2 turnips

1 onion

2 cupfuls milk

2 tablespoonfuls flour

2 tablespoonfuls peanut butter

2 cupfuls chopped nuts 1 quart water 1 tablespoonful olive oil a little thyme and sweet marjoram 1 teaspoonful salt

Put the nuts with the water and stew slowly for two hours, then strain. Peel and cut in thin slices potatoes, turnips and onions. Put the oil in a soup kettle, then add a layer of potatoes, one of the turnips and onions, sprinkle in a little thyme, sweet marjoram and salt, and then add a layer of nuts, then potatoes, turnips, etc., till the ingredients are all used, and finally pour on the boiling hot water strained from the nuts. Cook about twenty minutes, and stir in the flour which has been gradually smoothed into the milk, and the peanut butter. Serve hot. Makes four plates.