Quince Stocks

Mr. Ainsworth said that he had found the Angers the best, to which I replied, that the Fontenay is as good, or even better, for a stock, being hardier and closer grained. The Angers grows faster for a year or two, but the Fontenay afterwards expands more and makes a better union, though some varieties are partial to one and some to the other. Never found the Duchesse d'Angouleme of any value on Pear stocks.

Quince Trees

If you want good Quinces manure the roots of the trees in November by forking in five or six shovel fulle of fresh stable manure. In spring dig round the trees, and give a broadcast spread of salt making a light coat sufficient to half conceal the ground under each tree. Prune in the autumn, after the fall of the leaf by cutting out mainly old or decayed wood, or branches which make the head too thick or unsightly. The finest Quinces we get are from Newport, R. I., where either the climate, the salt sea air or some quality of the soil produce both a tree and fruit eminently superior to any known about Philadelphia; where the fruit is almost universally unsightly and knotty. A Quince tree in full bearing at Newport is almost if not quite as handsome an object as an orange tree at St Augustine, Florida.

Quince of Coxe Apple

Fruit: size, large; form, roundish oblate, broad obscure ribs; surface, glossy, uneven, or wavy; color, clear greenish yellow with faint shades of deeper green suffused - few minute dots; stem, slender; cavity, broad, open, deep; calyx, nearly closed; segments, erect, slightly recurved; basin, open, deep, abrupt, slightly corrugated at bottom; flesh, yellowish, breaking crisp, juicy, a little coarse grained, subacid with a distinct quince-like flavor; core, small; seeds, abundant, irregular. Season, December to March; "very good".

Quince of Coxe Apple.

Fig. 52. - Quince of Coxe Apple.

Quinces Love Salt

The quince tree seems to have a constitutional fondness for salt. We have never seen such superb specimens of this fruit, and such a general luxuriance of the trees, as at Newport, R.I. - on the sea coast. A gentleman who noticed this fact, several years ago, told us lately that he had profited by the hint, in giving to each of his trees a top-dressing of two quarts of coarse salt every spring. By scattering the salt over the surface it dissolves slowly, and does no barm whatever to the roots, but makes both foliage and fruit much more healthy.

Quinces On Sandy Soil

The Country Gentleman says that Quinces will thrive on a dry, sandy soil, provided it is kept rich enough, and is deeply and well cultivated. Plant about ten feet apart ; let them occupy the whole ground; keep the soil clean and mellow.

R Falconeri

Another of the beautiful Himalayan Rhododendrons which have bloomed this year for the first time. The present species has been flowered by Messrs. Standish and Noble, of Bagshot, in an open frame, merely protected at night by a mat; also with Mr. Fairie, near Liverpool. It is a very striking species, not only from the color and size of its heads of flowers, but also from the magnificence of its foliage. It grows on the summit of the Tonglo Mountain, in Sikkim - Himalaya, at an elevation of 10,000 feet. The flowers are produced in large heads, pale sulphur-yellow, broadly bell-shaped, upwards of two inches across the mouth; the leaves are from eight to ten inches long, about four inches across, dark green, and beneath ochreous; leafstalks pale green, somewhat woolly. (Bot. Mag., 4924).

R Falconeri 1100124