The Whitlavia Grandiflora

We are glad to learn that Messrs. Joseph Breok & Sow, of Boston, have received a small quantity of the seeds of this beautiful blue-flowered annual, figured and described on page 87 of our last number, and will be able to furnish amateurs with-it. Mr. Breok writes us that he has no doubt, judging from dried specimens of the flowers, that it will be a great acquisition to our list of bedding-out annuals.

Why Whitethorn Is Quick

The best answer to this question is, I think, one given by a facetious botanical friend, whom I will designate "Treverbin," who, on being asked why Whitethorn was called "Quick," answered, "I believe because Blackthorn is called ' Sloe.'" - J. T.B.

Wiegela Amabilis

In your number for May, page 139, is a notice of this plant, com-paring it with rosea, which, as an early forcing pot shrub, it far surpasses, and only requires to be more known to become a general favorite, and admired as much, I have no doubt, as it has been here for the last two seasons. It blossoms freely in a 48-sised pot; its light, graceful branches, when covered with pinky blooms, make ft a fit companion for the pretty Deutzia gracilis, which it much resembles in the treatment it requires. When done bloom-mg, I out the plants down like the latter, inducing them to make as many young shoots as possible for the next season's display- By a succession, it can-be had in bloom from Feb-ruary up to the present month - J. F-,in London Florist.

Wigelia Amabilis

A correspondent at Baltimore writes as follows: " I notice the Horticultural Journals lay great stress on the Wigelia Amabilis blooming late. My plant, now standing out two years, and in a sunny aspect, has both seasons bloomed twice - in Hay, and again in September - one as profuse as the other. I also find great difference between the blooms of it and W. rosea; the latter is in bunches of four or six upright flowers, while the Amabilis forms pendulous heads of a dozen or more blooms like Deutzia gracilis".

The Wild Flowers

Ye field flowers! the gardens eclipse you, 'tis true, Yet wildlings of nature, I dote upon you,

For ye waft me to summers of old, When the earth beamed around me with fairy delight, And when daisies and buttercups gladdened my sight,

Like treasures of silver and gold.

E'en now what affections the violet awakes ! What loved little islands, twice seen in the lakes,

Can the wild water lily restore! What landscape I read in the primrose's looks, And what pictures of pebbled and minnowy brooks

In the vetches that tangled the shore.

Wild Goose Mum

The late J. S. Downer said of this plum that the flavor, if not equal to some of the popular varieties, was nevertheless good; that it is not proof (as often asserted) against the curculio, but the puncture doest not seem to injure it; that it comes into early bearing and gives abundant crops every year, having failed but once with him in ten years. In Kentucky it ripens the latter part of June. The fruit is large, handsome, pinkish red.