The object of this Series is to present to the Practitioner and Student of Medicine original, concise, and complete monographs on all the principal subjects of Medicine and Surgery, both general and special.

It is hoped that the series will enable the Practitioner to keep abreast with the rapid advances at present being made in medical knowledge, and that it will supplement for the Student the comparatively scanty information on special subjects contained in the general text-books.

The Series will form a complete Encyclopaedia of Medical and Surgical Science in separate volumes.

The Manuals will be written by leading Hospital Physicians and Surgeons, whose work on each special subject may be considered to be authoritative.

The Manuals will be printed in clear type upon good paper. They will be of a size convenient for the pocket, substantially bound in blue cloth limp, with blue edges. Each volume will contain about 544 pages.

.1 and will be freely Illustrated by Original Chromo-Lithographs and Woodcuts, when required, and will be published at about 8s. 6d.