Paschal Grousset, a French communist, born in Corsica about 1845. He is the son of the president of a college, and early went to Paris to study medicine, but became a journalist, and eventually joined Rochefort in the Marseillaise and wrote for the Revanche, a Corsican journal. Prince Pierre Bonaparte having challenged Rochefort for articles which Grousset had written, the latter sent Victor Noir and Ulrich de Fonvielle as his seconds to the prince, by whom Noir was killed, Jan. 10, 1870. The prince was tried and acquitted, and Grousset was arrested and fined for his violent articles in the Marseillaise. He became director of that journal after the proclamation of the republic, Sept. 4, but suspended its publication in consequence of Rocheforfs disavowal of its tendency. The fiercest of the various journals which he next edited was La Bouche de Fer. He became the foreign minister of the central committee after the insurrection of March 18, 1871, and on being elected to the commune he continued to hold the same position, and in April became member of the new executive commission. He was arrested on June 3, disguised in the attire of his mistress, betrayed by his bearing, which had made him conspicuous as the most fashionable member of the commune.

He was transported to New Caledonia in 1872, but escaped in March, 1874.