Local, or Drop Letters, two cents for each ounce at all letter car-rier offices, and at other offices 1 cent.

Letters to any part of the United States or the Dominion of Canada, 2 cents for each ounce or fraction thereof.

Letters to Great Britain or Ireland, or the Continent of Europe, 5 cents for each half ounce.

Letters may be registered by paying a charge of 10 cents.

Postal Cards costing one cent each can be sent to any part of the United States or Canada. They may be sent to Newfoundland, Great Britain and Ireland by adding a 1 cent stamp.

Printed Matter: 1. Printed Books, Periodicals, Transient Newspapers and other matter wholly in print, in unsealed envelopes 1 cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof.

2. Printed circulars may bear the date, address and signature at this rate.

3. Reproductions by electric pen, Hektograph, and similar processes, same as Printed Matter.

Articles of Merchandise, Seeds, Cuttings, Roots, and other mailable matter 1 cent for each ounce or fraction thereof.

All Packages of mail matter not charged with letter postage must be arranged so the same can be conveniently examined by postmasters. If not so arranged, letter postage will be charged.

Articles of Merchandise may be registered at the rate of 10 cents a package, subject to proper examination before registration. The name and the address of sender must be indorsed in writing, or in print, on each package offered for registration.

Any Package may have the name and address of the sender, with the word "from" prefixed on the wrapper, and the number and names of the articles may be added in brief form.

Postal Note, payable to bearer at any money order office designed by the purchaser of the note, must be for an amount under five dollars, and will cost three cents.

Money Orders: The fee for a money order amounting to $10 is 8 cents; $10 to $15, 10 cents; $15 to $30, 15 cents; $30 to $40, 20 cents; $40 to $50, 25 cents; $50 to $60, 30 cents; $60 to $70, 35 cents; $70 to $80 dollars, 40 cents; $80 to $100, 45 cents.