The following compact was recently adopted by the South Haven (Michigan) Pomological Society to aid in the marketing problem : "We, the undersigned fruit-growers, believing that a better system of marketing than heretofore practiced may be devised, hereby constitute and appoint-----------our agent to look up markets, solicit orders, seek freight rates, and make sales of fruit that may be put into his hands for sale or shipment; and each of us agrees to pay the expense of said agent, in proportion to the fruit put in his hands by each ; further, that any person may at any time withdraw from this agreement on settlement with said agent and payment of his proportion of expenses incurred".

Orange growers in some portions of Southern California are beginning to question the supremacy which the Navel orange has heretofore held. As the trees grow older it is found that their bearing capacity does not increase as rapidly as does that of a good seedling or of the Mediterranean Sweet. It is true that the Navel thus far brings the highest price, but a good seedling tree will in the end bring in more money.