Horticultural Statistics

The nth census reports are to contain very full statistics relating to horticulture. Mortimer Whitehead is in charge of the agricultural matter of the census, and he has conferred from the first with the national pomologist, H. E. Van Deman, concerning the horticultural matter. It is gratifying to know that at last horticulture is recognized.

The Horticulturist's Prayer

When you ask the Lord to multiply and preserve the fruits of the earth, supplement your prayer with a force pump and arsenic. - Dr. J. A. Lintner.

The Peach Crop will undoubtedly be light this year. The unprecedented warm weather of early winter caused the buds to swell, and the sudden cold snap in March injured them seriously. In the Michican peach region and along the Atlantic coast, as well as in all interior places, the damage is great.

Hot Water For Melons

Several years ago I planted some musk and water-melon seeds during a warm spell early in the season, but soon after they came up the weather became cool and they did not grow much. I then made a shallow trench around each hill with a hoe and into it poured one or two pailfuls of boiling water, and when it had all soaked in, filled up the trench. The effect was wonderful; the vines began to grow at once and continued vigorous throughout the season, ripening their fruit earlier than melons usually do here. If I had had some protector to cover them with on cool nights, I think they would have done still better. - J. T. Macomber.

Household Ammonia. C. E. I

This is an excellent fertilizer for house plants. For those in pots, sprinkle with a solution made by adding a tablespoonful of household ammonia to three or four quarts of water. It may be made as strong as a tablespoonful to a quart of water if plants are large ones. For hyacinths in glasses, a teaspoonful added to the water once a month would be sufficient.

How To Cook Parsnips

After carefully scraping and cleaning the roots, cut them in pieces if for a stew, or in slices if to fry; then soak them in clear, cold water for at least twelve hours; rinse again in clear fresh water. This will take out all that acrid matter which gives this vegetable a strong taste. After that cook in the usual manner and the vegetable will be delicious.

How To Destroy Caterpillars

Mix two parts of chloride of lime with one part of lard. Mould this in the form of rolls, cover with cloth, and bind around the affected trees. The caterpillars will soon fall, and none will crawl up the trunk. Even butterflies will avoid trees treated in this manner. - Garten-und Blumenseitung.

How To Grow Strawberries For Farmers, Village People And Small Growers

A Book for Beginners. By T. B. Terry and A. I. Root. Pp. 144. Illustrated. Paper, 40 cts. A. I. Root, Medina, Ohio. This is a chatty and attractive account of the whole matter of strawberry culture and management. It is written in a manner to interest as well as to instruct; its anecdote and reminescence will undoubtedly popularize it with most readers. The authors are well known as successful strawberry growers, and they have given greater attention to many useful little details than others have done.

List of Plants Collected by Dr. Edward Palmer in 1890 in Lower California and Western Mexico.

Text-Book of Agriculture.