Sepals and petals of a very dark purple-colour, labellum light purple, flower four and a half inches long by three and a half wide. This species belongs to one of the groups of orchids that are great favourites with cultivators, on account of the exquisite beauty of their flowers. The plants forming this genus have generally a yellowish appearance, and grow from one to two feet high: there are about twelve species in cultivation, which are all natives of Brazil. The present one was introduced to the continent about four years ago, and was received at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, from Liege, in 1S49. It comes nearest to M. spectabilis, from which species it is only distinguishable by the flowers, M. morcliana being larger and of a different colour. The annexed drawing represents the natural size of Miltonia moreliana, which is considerably larger than any of the genus hitherto known. In cultivation they should be potted in sphagnum well decomposed, with plenty of potsherds; and, while growing, kept in a very humid atmosphere, with the thermometer ranging from 70° to 85°; and when at rest, water very sparingly, and let the thermometer range from 58° to 70°, always shading from the scorching rays of the sun.



Subjects figured in the Botanical Magazine for April.

Gesnera Seemanni

A very handsome copiously flowering stove plant, approaching near to G. longifolia; it grow3 about two feet high, and is densely covered over with hairs; calyx shallow, cup-shaped, with five nearly regular acute spreading lobes; the colour of the corolla is a bright brick-red, a little, inclining to orange, with orange at the base. It is a native of Panama; from whence it was imported to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Tupa Crassicaulis

A soft-wooded suifruticose shrub, of an erect stiff habit, and similar to a Siphocampylus. It is not of much beauty; corolla is yellowish or greenish red, at length quite red. It flowers in the greenhouse during summer and autumn, and is supposed to be a native of Brazil.

Pachira Alba

A deciduous stove tree of but little beauty: it has large flowers, which exhale a slight fragrance, and are produced in the spring, just before the expansion of the new leaves; calyx green, petals cream, white within, outside brown-colour. It is a native of Brazil. These three are figured from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Anigozanthos Tyrianthina

A very showy herbaceous plant, growing from three to four feet high, having flowers of the richest Tyrian purple. It was discovered by Mr. Drummond, during his excursions in the interior to the southwest of the Swan River settlement. The imported seeds are sown at Kew, but have not yet germinated.

Fuchsia Bacillaris

A low deciduous shrub, rather pretty, much resembling F. microphylla; it is a very distinct species, with a calyx deep red, and petals of a deep rose-colour. It flowers during the summer months, and is a native of Mexico. Figured from Messrs. Veitch and Co., Nurserymen, Exeter.

Rhodoleia Championi

A very beautiful evergreen flowering tree, somewhat rivalling the Camellia. It is a native of Hong Kong in China; and it is admitted by all there to be the handsomest of all flowering trees; the flowers are similar to those of a Camellia, and are two and a half inches in diameter, with petals of a rose-colour. Imported seeds are sown at Kew, but have not yet germinated.

Coloured Illustrations in Paxton's Flower-Garden for April.

Ceanothus Dentatus

A dwarf branching evergreen shrub, nearly hardy; its flowers are produced in terminal stalked roundish or oblong branches or umbels, of a bright blue colour, bordering upon violet. It is a native of California. Figured from her Majesty's Gardens at Frogmore.

Adamia Versicolor

This plant is noticed in the Florist and Garden Miscellany, at p. 15 of the present year, for which see the description there.

Oncidium Haematochilum

A very beautiful species, somewhat resembling O. lanceanum; the leaves are hard and stiff, dull green, and spotted with brown; sepals and petals of a greenish yellow, blotched with a rich chestnut brown; the lip is of the richest crimson, except near the base, where it fades into a bright rose-colour. It is a native of New Grenada. Figured from Messrs. Loddiges, Hackney.

The woodcuts contain: 1. a whole plant, and a single flower of the natural size, of Angroecum virens; 2. a cluster of flowers with one leaf of Echites pel-tata; 3. flowers and leaves of Clematis indivisa, var. lobata (Hooker); 4. leaves and flowers of Linum grandiflorum; 5. leaves and flowers of Eriocnema mar-moiatum; 6. a single flower of Oncidium serratum; 7. flowers and leaves of Tropseolum Dickerianum; 8. a small branch of Gonolobus Martianus; 9. a small branch of Lardizabala biternata; 10. Stanhopea cirrhata; 11. Stanhopea ecornuta; 12. Stanhopea tricomis; 13. Warrea Candida, a single flower of each.

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. J. Houlston.