Now that the crocus and the snowdrops, the gay harbingers of spring, decorate our gardens with their chaste, simple flowers, and the warblers of more favored climes begin to greet us with their cheering songs, is a proper time to talk of flowers and flower-gardens. A tasteful garden should, during the summer months, present a mass of either flowers or foliage, which can readily be obtained by introducing nothing but constant blooming plants. Plants with variegated and handsome foliage should also be freely introduced. Verbenas, Heliotropes, and Petunias of straggling growth, if not already cut back, should now be attended to, and plunged in a gentle hot-bed to encourage new growth. Straggling shoots of Geraniums and other bedding plants should also be shortened, to encourage new growth near the surface.

Flower-gardens of whatever kind, should be properly laid down at their formation with regular-sized beds, ample path room, and, if a geometrical one, permanent box edgings. The annexed plan was designed and laid down by me in the grouds of A. P. Comings, Esq., near Mamaroneck, N. T. It has given so much satisfaction to numerous visitors, that I am induced to make this drawing for the readers of the Horticulturist. Complicated and intricate drawings deter many from adopting them; the above is free from all such objections; it is simple in its whole arrangement, and comprises twenty-nine beds, sufficiently large for all practical purposes, and pleasant winding walks, altogether exempt from formal and right lines, too common in geometrical plans.



Here a lover of flowers can display a large collection to the best advan-Itage, planting but one sort in each bed, and, for having a good effect, properly intermixing the colors. What would be more pleasing to a rose amateur than such a garden filled with tea and other Roses that bloom the whole season, and kept dwarf by pegging down the exuberant shoots? The above plan, as laid down, is surrounded with a walk and border for annuals and mixed flowers, not shown in the drawing.