Editor of the Horticulturist: - In the October number of your valuable Journal, I notice that you acknowledge the receipt of a bunch of the Taylor Grape from Samuel Miller, Calmdale, Fa., who, it appears, had it sent to him, probably from Kentucky, where it hails from, and has been known for some years.

I would suggest, before we go any farther with this grape, that its true or right name should be settled, so as to prevent confusion, as far as may be, in the nomenclature of our hardy grapes. I also observed a notice of the same grape in another periodical, by the editor, to whom Mr. Miller had sent specimens.

I believe this is the same grape, the description and history of which were given in the Valley Farmer, (published in St. Louis, Mo.,) on page 122, in the April number for 1858. This was the first published account that I had seen of it, and was headed, " A New Seedling of Kentucky." The editor of that journal in that article says it "has been grown by a few persons in Kentucky for twelve or fourteen years, and known as the "Bullitt Grape." By this we see that it has a name of many years standing, doubtless a local one, but just as good to become general as any other, and it claims precedence over all others, by right of priority. The editor, in the article alluded to, goes on to say, " We are indebted to Judge John Taylor" - whence, doubtless, its name - "for a full account of it;" and then proceeds to give its qualities, habits, description of vine, fruit, etc, and eloses by saying that Mr. Long worth pronounces it one of the very best grapes for ladies' wine, and Prof. Noble Butler is of opinion that it is not inferior, in any particular, to the Rebecca or Delaware. But with this we have nothing to do in this communication, which is made simply to assist in correcting any errors in its nomenclature.

We received cuttings from the same source, at the same time, and taking the article in the Valleyy Farmer as our guide, have grown it, and now have it in our catalogue under the original name of "Bullitt." Since, however, it left Kentucky, it has been dubbed with a new name, which creates great confusion. We contend that it should bear the name of "Bullitt" until some horticultural society, or the National Pomological Society, shall change its name. And we ask you, as the editor of the leading horticultural journal in America, (if the facts given are true,) if its name should be changed by any person to the Taylor Yourself and readers are well acquainted with the rules that govern the nomenclature of new productions, and will render a just verdict accordingly.

It matters but little by what name a fruit is known, provided it is known everywhere by that name, and has no synonyms, and as we shall doubtless hear further from this variety, let us try to set ourselves right as to the proper name it should bear. The grape mania having started in these latter days of scientific accuracy, it would be unpardonable if the nomenclature of this fruit should fall into the confused condition of some of our earlier fruits; and the railroad speed with which new varieties are increasing, threatens to demand more space in our next fruit-books than those good old-fashioned fruits, the apple and pear, and without a tithe of the range of season, or quality, that either of these possesses. We should not, therefore, have one variety under two names, or admit any varieties into the lists that are not really an acquisition.

St. Louti, Mo. Oct 20th, 1859. Carew Sanders.

[We deprecate, equally with Mr. Sanders, the needless and heedless manner in which synonyms are multiplied. If this Grape has been known for years as the "Bullitt Grape," as would seem from our correspondent, then that should be its name, and no other, until it is changed by some person or persons competent to do so. We now have acknowledged rules of nomenclature, and an observance of these by all parties would save much confusion. We purpose soon going into the subject in extmso, and in the mean time we shall look further after the Taylor Grape. - Ed].