On page 57, February Horticulturist, read the following corrections for typographical errors:

Sedums for Sodumes.

Mesembrianthemums for Moscmbryan-themiuras.

Sempervivums for Sempervivium.

Purdy's Small Fruit Instructor.

The value of Purdy's Small Fruit Instructor which has been advertised in our columns heretofore, may be judged by the following subjects which it contains. "Small Fruits for the Family," "The Homes of the Farmer," "Advice to new beginners," " What we would do with 10 acres," "Profits of Small Fruits," "Secrets in making Small Fruits profitable," "Marketing Fruits," "Gathering Fruit," "Wagons for drawing Fruit," "Shipping Fruit that perishes quickly." "Size of Shipping Crates," "Plan for laying out and planting a 20 acre plot with Fruit and Vegetables," "Plan for a kitchen garden for Fruit and Vegetables," "Stands for gathering the Fruit," "Protection from Winds," "Raising New Sorts," "Manures," "Liquid Manures."

Strawberries - their profit - time to set - preparation of the soil - to grow large fruit - to produce fruit late in the season - mulching material - winter protection - taking up plants for setting - large and small plants - growing plants for resetting - directions for setting - care of plants after selling - crooked versus straight rows - different modes of culture and varieties. The same of raspberries, blackberries, currants, gooseberries, and grapes. "Fig culture," "Plan for a drying house." Propagation of plants from root cuttings, etc., etc.

The work is finely illustrated with plain, easily understood drawings, and is of such a practical character that it should be in the hands of every man who owns even a rod of ground. Price, only 25 cents. Address, A. M. Purdy, Palmyra, N.Y.



Errors 280020

Error #1

In Frontispiece for September, the title should read, View of Sydenham Palace London, England. Two cuts were ordered, one of Kew Gardens and one of Sydenham Palace, and by error, wrong cut used with the above title.