Big Bud On Black Currants

If some of the buds on Black Currants become swollen into small balls, they contain a mite, which is very destructive, and often ruins the bushes. The swollen buds should be picked off, and next spring the bushes may be dusted with two parts of sulphur and one part of air-slaked lime on three separate occasions: the end of March, the middle of April, and the beginning of May.


If fruit trees are affected with canker, cleanse the decayed wood out of the wounds, if these are not very large, and paint with tar. At the same time spread the following mixture round the trees at the rate of four ounces per square yard as far as the branches extend: twelve parts of superphosphate, ten of nitrate of potash, eight of sulphate of lime, one of sulphate of iron, and four of common salt.

Big Bud on Black Currant.

Fig. 100 - Big Bud on Black Currant.

a. Big buds. b. Normal buds.

c. Big buds. d. A big bud.

Grapes And Peaches

Complete the pruning and washing of Vines and the cleansing of vineries. Tie in any loose young wood on Peaches, prune out old growths, and cleanse the house.

Planting And Pruning Hardy Fruit

The planting and pruning of Apples, Pears, Plums, and small bush fruits should be completed as soon as possible, in accordance with previous instructions.

Fruit In Store

Look over stored fruit periodically, remove any that shows the least sign of decay, and hasten the ripening of Apples and Pears by placing a few at a time of the most forward in a warm room.

A Winter Wash For Fruit Trees

Where American Blight, scale, moss, and lichen are a source of trouble, spray the trees with the "Woburn Wash," which is made of the following ingredients:

1 lb. sulphate of copper (blue stone) \ „ quicklime.

2 „ caustic soda 5 pints paraffin oil 9 1/2 gallons water.

Dissolve the sulphate in a little water in a wooden vessel; put the lime in a gallon of water in another vessel, and let it stand a few hours; pour the two together through a piece of sacking; add the paraffin oil and water, and shake in the caustic soda. Apply in a fine, mist-like state through a sprayer.


There is little fresh work to be done. Continue the forcing of Asparagus, Seakale, and Rhubarb. If early Mint is wanted, lift a few roots, put them in soil in boxes, and place the latter in a frame or greenhouse. Hoe Cabbages. Lay Broccoli in cold districts. Protect Celery by throwing some litter over the tops. Sow seed of Tomatoes in a temperature of 6o° for early crops. Sow French Beans in large pots or boxes if a temperature of 650 can be provided. Sow Cucumbers in bottom heat if early crops are wanted. Lift roots of Parsley, and put in a frame if early growth is required. Examine Potatoes in store, and throw out any diseased tubers. Continue preparing ground by digging, trenching, and manuring as it becomes vacant.