
(From α, non, and Atrices 1320hair). Small tubercles near the anus, about which hairs will not grow; and which recede and return, especially at the first. Valesius de Taranta reckoned them among condylomata et fici.


Small sinuses in the intestinum rectum, which do not reach so far as to perforate into its cavity.


Maritima, and Portulaca. See Halimus.

Atriplex odora suaveolens. See Botrys.

Atriplex sylvestris, wild orach. See Chenopodium, Ambrosoides, and Rubrum.


Belladona, (from A Atropa 1321 the goddess of destiny). See Solanum lethale.

Atropa mandragora. See Mandragora.


(From Atta 1323 to leap). Festus says, it is one who, by reason of the tenderness or other defect in his feet, touches the ground lightly rather than treads on it.

Attagen Attagena

Phrygia. The name of an Asiatic partridge, so called from its skipping motion; it is commonly known by the name of Franco-lin. The Greeks call it lagopus, hare's foot, because its feet are downy. It is of a dusky red colour on its back, and seems to be the same as our red cock, which Aldrovandus calls attagen. Ray names it francolino Italorum; and in Gmelin's Linnaeus, it is a variety of the tetrao legopus. Pliny describes it under the name of lagopus altera, and with us it is called the red cock, gor cock, moor cock, or red game. They are most highly flavoured in autumn, are not remarkable in medicine, though the gizzard, on its inside, is very fra--grant just after the bird is killed.


The name of some compound medicine mentioned by Galen.


Is a voluntary, though sometimes an involuntary exertion of mind, either in expectation, or watching the.progress of any successive events. Attention to sounds is regulated by the tension of the mem-brana tympani; and attention exerted in general, has-sometimes obviated nervous paroxysms, or lessened the shock of a smart short pain, as from drawing a tooth. The attention required in some skilful games, as that of chess, has even drawn the mind from the thought of a speedy certain death.


The name of a plaster used by Hippocrates. When applied to honey or wax it means Athenian: as those, in the neighbourhood of Hymettus, were the best.


(From attollo, to lift up). It is an epithet applied to some muscles, whose office it is to elevate the part to which they are attached.

Attollens auriculae superior musculus. - A muscle which rises from.the corrugator supercilii by a thin fascia.

Attollens oculi, i. e. Musculus superior, et rectus superior oculi. See Elevator oculi.

Attonitus Morbus Et Stupor

(From. attonitus, surprised, because the person attacked falls downs suddenly). Names of the Apoplexy, q. v. It is also given to that species of palsy which succeeds the apoplexy. See Paralysis.