Or Displacing Of Either, Or Both Eve lids, by elongation, retraction, turning inwards or outwards, with different symptoms in different species. But the true blepharoptosy, or preternatural descent of the eye lid, arises from a wound of the frontal muscles of the temple, or the superior levator of the eye lid, or from any large tumour dragging down the eye lid; from inflammatory or cold defluxions elongating the palpebra; from mere relaxations of the eye lids, or from a palsy of the palpebra, which is sometimes constant, sometimes periodical. See Ptosis.

The varieties of this species are obvious. With respect to the first it must be remarked, that the cheek of the same side, the lower jaw, the tongue, eyes, and other parts, are affected. The second and third varieties are cured by conquering the primary disease to which owe their origin; to the fourth, corroborating spirituous fomentations are useful; to the fifth anti-paralytic remedies administered externally and internally. If these remedies do not properly succeed in the two last, a cure must be sought for from a surgical operation, performed on the prolapsed palpebra, or on the skin of the forehead. Internal remedies are scarcely useful; but such as will draw off the superabundant serous fluids, which are chiefly purgative and diuretic remedies, particularly jalap, and sal diureticus, may be employed. Amongst the remedies for any paralytic affection, electricity may be mentioned as occasioning the increased action of any particular muscle. In that variety said to proceed from relaxation, the use of alum with an infusion of oak bark is recommended for an external application; but if it does not succeed, the relaxed skin must be cut away, and the edges of the wounds confined together by sutures, and healed in that situation. There are several other species of this disease. See Ectropium, Trichia.