Claude Francois Chauveau-Lagarde

Claude Francois Chauveau-Lagarde, a French advocate, born at Chartres about 1760, died in Paris in February, 1841. He acted as advocate for Miranda, Brissot, Charlotte Corday, Marie Antoinette, and Madame Elisabeth. Soon after the condemnation of the queen he was arrested, and was not liberated till after the fall of Robespierre. He was advocate to the council of state under Napoleon, and was appointed to congratulate Louis XVIII. on his entrance into the capital. After the second restoration he devoted himself to the defence of the proscribed. Besides numerous speeches and political pamphlets, he published narratives of the trials of Marie Antoinette and Madame Elisabeth.

Claude Franeois Lallemand

Claude Franeois Lallemand, a French physician, born in Metz, Jan. 26, 1790, died in Marseilles, Aug. 25,1854. After serving as assistant surgeon in the armies of the empire, he studied in Paris at the Hotel-Dieu under Du-puytren, and from 1819 to 1845 was professor of clinical surgery at Montpellier, with the exception of three years during which he was suspended for his liberal political expressions. His most important work, the Recherches ana-tomico-pathologiques sur l'encepliale et ses de-pendances (Paris, 1820-'36), established his reputation, and was translated into many languages. In 1845 he was elected to the academy of sciences, and removed to Paris, and was consulted by patients from every part of Europe. He bequeathed 50,000 francs to the institute.

Claude Gervais Mathias Pouillet

Claude Gervais Mathias Pouillet, a French physicist, born at Cuzance, Doubs, Feb. 16, 1791, died in Paris, June 15, 1868. He studied at the normal school in Paris, was successively a teacher there and in the college Bourbon, and tutor of the sons of Louis Philippe. In 1829 he became professor of physical sciences at the conservatory of arts and industry, and he was chief director of that institution from 1831 till the coup d'etat of Dec. 2, 1851. He was also elected to the academy of sciences. His Elements de physique experimentale et de meteorologie (2 vols., Paris, 1827; 7th ed., 1856) served as the basis for J. H. J. Miiller's celebrated Lehrbuch der Physih und der Meteorologie (2 vols., Brunswick, 1842). The best known of Pouillet's other publications is Notions generales de physique et de meteorologie (1850; 3d ed., 1860).

Claude Pierre Goujet

Claude Pierre Goujet, a French author, born in Paris, Oct. 19, 1697, died there, Feb. 1, 1767. He was educated at a college of Jesuits, entered the order of Oratorians, and proved a zealous Jansenist. His labors as historian, compiler, and critic injured his health during his later years; he lost his sight, and was obliged to sell his library. Of his many works the following are the most important: Bibli-otheque des ecrivains ecclcsiastiques (3 vols., 1736); Dissertations sur l'etat des sciences en France depuis la mort de Charlemagne jusqua celle du roi Robert (1737); Histoire du ponti-ficat de Paul V.; Bibliotheque francaise, ou Histoire litteraire de la France (18 vols. 12mo., 1740-'59); Memoire historique et litteraire sur le college royal de France (4to, 1758); and Memoires historiques et litteraires (1707). He edited Richelet's Dictionnaire, and Moreri's Dictionnaire historique.