Mr. A. Bridgeman, of New York, advertises a large stook of bulbous roots, including a number not generally kept for sale. His catalogue may be had on application to 876 Broadway.

J. M. Thorburn & Co.'s Descriptive Annual Catalogue (1857) of Bulbous Flowering Roots, with Directions: No. 15 John Street, New York. A grand collection, indeed.

New York Horticultural Society's Sohedule of Premiums for the Exhibition, which closes to-day, October 1. This came too late for notice in last number, and of course, from the date, we have to regret that the present issue contains no account of the doings transpiring while our number is sailing about through all the .post-offices of the land.

Descriptive Catalogue of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, and Plants, cultivated and for sale at the Marshall Nursery; Manly & Lowe, Marshall, Clark County, Illinois. It is very pleasing to see such extensive lists from the interior. We are making a curious collection of all the catalogues of the country, for binding and preservation in a public library, and shall be pleased to receive all that are published.

Wholesale Priced List of Trees and Shrubs. Nursery of G. W. Strong, Nonantum Hill, Brighton, five and a half miles from Boston. For the fall of 1857. Apparently a well selected stook, and certainly net unroasonsnlo.

Mr. Peabody has been awarded a gold medal, of the value of fifty dollars, bythe Alabama State Agricultural Society, "as a testimony of their high appreciation of his success in the propagation of his seedling Hautbois, and bringing the culture. of the strawberry to such perfection".

A valued correspondent writes thus: " It belongs to the mission of the Horticulturist, as I understand it, to teach Americans that the highest beauty and the highest utility are inseparable. Its influence illustrates the hidden sense of the old myth that the goddess of beauty was wedded to Vulcan, the god of practical ingenuity. It has already accomplished so much in this direction that, to me, a Journey by steamboat or railroad is like turning, over the leaves of one of my bound volumes of this 'Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste.' On every hillside are Been unmistakable embodiments of ideas and suggestions put forth by it. Attractive and convenient homes are rapidly supplanting architectural caricatures; vineyards and orchards are thriving where burdocks and thickets once deformed the fields. As faithful bishop of a large horticultural diocese, you will some time, I trust, be present at a meeting of our 'Rural Art Society,' now cutting its wisdom teeth in garden crafty the suggestion for which comes, I think, from your work".