These have been so named from their firm fleshy feel They are of many kinds, some of which are simple, while others are complicated with a malignant tendency. Under the title of common vascular or organised sarcoma are included all those tumours which appear to be composed of the gelatinous part of the blood, rendered more or less vascular by the growth of vessels through it; the vessels which pervade this substance are, in different instances, either larger or smaller, and more or less numerous, being distributed in their usual arborescent manner, without any describable peculiarity of arrangement. The structure under consideration is met with not only in distinct tumours, but also in the testis, mamma, and absorbent glands.

When a common vascular or organised sarcoma has attained a certain magnitude, the veins of the skin seem remarkably large and elevated. This kind of sarcoma is not at all tender, so that it may be freely handled without inflicting pain. The tumour sometimes grows to such a size that the skin bursts, the substance of the swelling sloughs out, and the disease is got rid off. However, the removal of the disease with the knife is to be preferred.