Naturalistic Photography For Students Of The Art.

By Dr. P. H. Emerson. Crown 8vo. Cloth, 5s. Second Edition, revised.

"In the work just issued, that the author endeavours himself to look directly at his subject without feeling himself bound by what others have said, constitutes the chief charm, and the reader soon finds he is not in contact with an author who is either an echo of others, or wishes to make his readers mere echoes of himself; indeed, the reader soon finds that his teacher is not one who expects and strives to mould his readers to his own image, but one who hopes to rather read them to think and act for themselves. If our author's spirit was more current among the technical teachers of our day, we would probably be in a more hopeful condition as regards future progress in the arts and crafts. The literary style of the work is excellent, and it contains a fund of useful information conveyed in a pleasant manner. . . . The mass of the book is composed of valuable and thoughtful essays on the various branches of photographic work - both from the technical and the artistic aspects - embodying the author's own experience. Altogether 'Naturalistic Photography' is a work which should be possessed and read by every one interested in the practice of Photography." - Photographic News.

"Suffice it to say that the book is distinctive from any other book on photography, and there is reading worth study on every page. We have been so fascinated by the freshness of language and the forcible way in which the author endeavours to bowl over old ideas and institute new ones, that we have had a difficulty at times in laying aside the admirably printed and got-up volume. We can only say that we heartily commend it to all who are interested in artistic photography, and who are not above learning from a master in the subject." - Photographic Journal.

"When he comes to the part that really concerns photographers he is simply admirable . . . his boldness and originality of treatment, the ability with which he analyzes, arranges, and treats his subject, and his practical conclusions, are as charming as they are valuable, as pleasant to read as they will be useful to practise. . . . The latter part of the book on technique and practice is capital, and ought to meet with acceptance, and must be valuable to the photographic world. . . . Carefully thought out, ably written, boldly expressed, original in treatment,' Naturalistic Photography * is a valuable contribution to our literature." - Photography.

"Dr. Emerson's book has come at last. It was well worth waiting for, and fully justifies expectations. ... It has evidently already helped a considerable number of photographers to ideas. . . . The general acceptance of evolution principles, thought freed from trammels, and the adoption of scientific methods, tend to give us treatises in which a rational and natural basis for all phenomena is sought. Dr. Emerson's book is distinctly of this class. ... It is brimful of interest, and will furnish texts for art argument for some time to come, as well as afford solid instruction for the earnest student." - Camera Club Journal.

"C'estun volume a lire,je dirai meme a relire, car le Dr. P. H. Emerson emet des idees qui lui sont tellement personnelles, qui souvent contredisent si fort les idees generalement recues, qu'il faut s'y reprendre a deux fois pour bien se rendre compte de sa maniere toute nouvelle d apprecier 1'art photographique. . . . It se compose d'une introduction, dans laquelle nous trouvons tout d'abord la preuve de l'originalite' des idees de l'auteur, etc. ... On le voit, le sujet est traits dans tous ses details, et ajoutons qu'il est traite" d'une facon tres interessante. . . . 11 taut reconnaitre que la lecture de ce volume s'impose non seulement a ceux qui s'occupent de photographie, mais a tous ceux qui s'occupent de l'eiude des beaux-arts."- Journal de l'Industrie Photographique.

"It is enough to say that we have read this beautifully got-up book with interest, and consider the opinions and many doctrines of the author very remarkable; and finally we can in good faith recommend the book." - (Translation of part of review in the) Deutsche Photographen-Zeitung.

"A most enjoyable book to every true lover of nature. . . . Erudite, embracing a very large field . . . this work must claim the careful attention of an earnest student . . . the ordinary textbook of photography is superseded, and technique and practice is dealt with in a thorough and somewhat original manner . . . the reader will find much which will be well worth careful study." - Photographic Art Journal.

"' Naturalistic Photography' is a splendid contribution to photographic literature."

Wilson's Photographic Magazine.

"This book is highly to be recommended to those acquainted with the English language."

(Translated from) Photographische Mittheilungen,

"Cet ouvrage si bien studie" sera lu avec grand fruit par les photographes amateurs, surtout aux-quels il est destine car ils y trouveront les conseils pratiques dont ils tireront profit, soit dans atelier, soit dans les etudes en plein air." - L'Amateur Photographe.

"The practical part of Dr. Emerson's book is most admirable. . . . Dr. Emerson has produced some of the most superb work ever achieved by photography, and all who have admired his beautiful compositions are anxious to know his methods. He treats the subject in a clear and forcible way, and with much originality. . . . One reads and reads again with pleasure from page to page, and is often delighted with the novelty of presentation. The great virtue of Dr. Emerson's book is its freshness. The reader is not wearied with reiteration of old hackneyed ideas and misapplication of stereotyped rules. It is a record of the author's own opinions."

American Journal of Photography.

"This book contains a greater amount of information on the artistic elements to be considered in photography than any that we know of. The author . . . has elucidated very concisely, yet also very fully, the principles which should be kept in view in making artistic and attractive photographs. . . . In these days of amateur photography, when the mechanical and chemical manipulations necessary to obtain a good photograph are so easily acquired, a book like this, calling attention in simple language to the elementary conditions that should be observed in making artistic photographs, will be greatly appreciated. - Scientific American.

"Da Londra, coi tipi Sampson Low & Co.. ci giunge una recentissima pubblicazione del Sig. Emerson, coltito 'Naturalistic Photography, essolutamente originate ed interessante. L'autore si rivela per un artista intelligentissimo della fotografia e facendone la critica con sicurezza di giudizio e con esempii tratti, nella parte estetica, dai gran di maestri."

Bollettino dell' Associazione degli Amatori di Fotografia da Roma.