Practical, Lessons In Architectural Drawing.

William B. Tuthill, A. M., 61 pp.,l1 1/2x7 1/4 inches.

33 full page plates; 33 illustrations. Cloth. $2.60.

W. T. Comstock, New York.

The student in architectural drawing who desires the maximum of instruction and examples clearly presented in one convenient volume will find all these conditions fulfilled in this book. It requires but a most casual examination to show that the author had a thorough knowledge of the subject and how to present the same so that the student would be able to profit fully thereby.

The examples include an exceptionally large amount of detail, so that the student who will diligently study them and the text will not tail to make excellent progress. The following selections from the several chapters will more clearly show the scope of the book : - A small frame cottage, a frame house, a brick building, a stone building, the specifications, color, building laws, etc.

A Manual of Carpentry and Joinery. J. W. Riley.

600 pp. 7 1/4x5 in. 923 illustrations. Cloth, $2.00.

The Macmillan Co., New York.

The author in writing this book had in mind the special needs of carpenters and joiners desirous of studying the scientific principles of their work, yet at the same time giving ample attention to the simplest types of construction, with numerous details of the work.

The book is, therefore, vastly more complete in its treatment of the subject than any single volume which has hitherto been brought to our attention. The large number of excellent illustrations shows how exhaustively the author has presented the many details of this kind of work. As a textbook for schools it should serve admirably, and as a guide for those who are without opportunity for class instruction it should be invaluable. The rural resident who would attempt building operations should surely have a copy at hand.

Practical Gas and Oil Engine Handbook. L. Elliott Brookes. 160 pp. 6 1/2x4 1/4. 43 illustrations. Flexible cloth, $1.00. Frederick J. Drake & Co., Chicago, 111.

The tremendous increase in the use of internal combustion engines for power in boats, automobiles, on the farm, in factories and shops, and other places, many times in the hands of those totally unacquainted with engine operation, has developed a large demand for books giving infoimation regarding the construction and use of this form of power. In this book an alphabetical arrangement of topics has been selected, and for reference work this makes a very handy arrangement, but the novice will find it rather difficult to assemble the separate portions of information so as to get a proper idea of relations and operations of an engine. Aside from this, which will be no objection to those having a slight knowledge of the subject, the text is clear and the illustrations, especially those relating to governors, are excellent.

Turning for Beginners. James Lukin, B. A. 128 pp. 7| inches. 130 illustrations. Cloth. 60 cents. Guilbert Pitman, London, Eng.

The author had primarily in View the needs of the beginner in lathe work, and has treated the subject in an elemental way and with a fullness of detail which makes it an excellent guide for those taking up lathe work. A large number of well selected examples, especially in wood turning, make it an excellent desk book for teachers in manual training schools. It is well worth the moderate sum needed to secure it.

Modern Dynamos and Batteries. S. R. Bottone.

172 pp. 7ix4| inches. Cloth. $1.00. Guilbert

Pitman, London, Eng.

It was many years ago when we first read a book by this author, and the eagerness with which its pages were read is fresh in memory today. Since then many books have come from his pen, all intended to supply information needed by the electrical student. The special feature which has characterized these books is the large amount of constructional work which is described enabling the reader to build the instruments needed for his studies and experiments. This book, the second in a set covering "Electrical Engineering for Students" is in line with its predecessors, and contains chapters relating to different types of batteries, measuring instruments and dynamos.

The fizzing of cooling water for the jackets of inter, nal combustion engines may be guarded against, it is said, by the using of a 20 per cent solution of glycerine. Its advantages over the usual brine of calcium solutions is that no deposit forms on the hot cylinder walls when the engine is in use.

Sulphuric acid is said to have been discovered by Basil Valentine, a monk of Erfurt, in Saxony, in the fifteenth century. He obtained the acid by distilling copperas in a retort at a red heat, the acid dropping from it in an oily liquid, whence the name of vitriol.