It is the former of these conditions which is now taken advantage of. For if we have a number of particles all revolving with the same velocity, but of different specific gravities, and if we allow them to follow their tendency of moving off at a tangent, it is evident that the heaviest particles, having the greatest mass, will move with the greatest energy. The result is that, if we take a mass of such particles and confine them within a circular casing, we shall find that, having rotated this casing with a high velocity and for a sufficient time, the heaviest particles will have settled at the outside and the lightest at the inside, while between the two there will be a gradation from the one to the other. Here, then, we have the means of separating two substances, solid or liquid, which are intimately mixed up together, but which are of different specific gravities. This physical principle has been taken advantage of in a somewhat homely but very important process, viz., the separation of cream from milk. In this arrangement the milk is charged into a vessel something of the shape and size of a Gloucester cheese, which stands on a vertical spindle and is made to rotate with a velocity as high as 7,000 revolutions per minute.

At this enormous speed the milk, which is the heavier, flies to the outside, while the cream remains behind and stands up as a thin layer on the inside of the rotating cylinder of fluid. So completely does this immense speed produce in the liquid the characteristics of a solid, that if the rotating shell of cream be touched by a knife it emits a harsh, grating sound, and gives the sensation experienced in attempting to cut a stone. The separation is almost immediately complete, but the difficult point was to draw off the two liquids separately and continuously without stopping the machine. This has been simply accomplished by taking advantage of another principle of hydromechanics. A small pipe opening just inside the shell of the cylinder is brought back to near the center, where it rises through a sort of neck and opens into an exterior casing. The pressure due to the velocity causes the skim milk to rise in this pipe and flow continuously out at the inner end. The cream is at the same time drawn off by a similar orifice made in the same neck and leading into a different chamber.

Centrifugal action is not the only way in which particles of different specific gravity can he separated from each other by motion only. If a rapid "jigging" or up-and-down motion be given to a mixture of such particles, the tendency of the lighter to fly further under the action of the impulse causes them gradually to rise to the upper surface; this surface being free in the present case, and the result being therefore the reverse of what happens in the rotating chamber. If such a mixture be examined after this up-and down motion has gone on for a considerable period, it will be found that the particles are arranged pretty accurately in layers, the lightest being at the top and the heaviest at the bottom. This principle has long been taken advantage of in such cases as the separation of lead ores from the matrix in which they are embedded. The rock in these cases is crushed into small fragments, and placed on a frame having a rapid up-and-down-motion, when the heavy lead ore gradually collects at the bottom and the lighter stone on the top. To separate the two the machine must be stopped and cleared by hand.

In the case of coal-washing, where the object is to separate fine coal from the particles of stone mixed with it, this process would be very costly, and indeed impossible, because a current of water is sweeping through the whole mass. In the case of the Coppee coal-washer, the desired end is achieved in a different and very simple manner. The well known mineral felspar has a specific gravity intermediate between that of the coal and the shale, or stone, with which it is found intermixed. If, then, a quantity of felspar in small fragments is thrown into the mixture, and the whole then submitted to the jigging process, the result will be that the stone will collect on the top, and the coal at the bottom, with a layer of felspar separating the two. A current of water sweeps through the whole, and is drawn off partly at the top, carrying with it the stone, and partly at the bottom, carrying with it the fine coal.

The above are instances where science has come to the aid of engineering. Here is one in which the obligation is reversed. The rapid stopping of railroad trains, when necessary, by means of brakes, is a problem which has long occupied the attention of many engineers; and the mechanical solutions offered have been correspondingly numerous. Some of these depend on the action of steam, some of a vacuum, some of compressed air, some of pressure-water; others again ingeniously utilize the momentum of the wheels themselves. But for a long time no effort was made by any of these inventors thoroughly to master the theoretical conditions of the problem before them. At last, one of the most ingenious and successful among them, Mr. George Westinghouse, resolved to make experiments on the subject, and was fortunate enough to associate with himself Capt. Douglas Galton. Their experiments, carried on with rare energy and perseverance, and at great expense, not only brought into the clearest light the physical conditions of the question (conditions which were shown to be in strict accordance with theory), but also disclosed the interesting scientific fact that the friction between solid bodies at high velocities is not constant, as the experiments of Morin had been supposed to imply, but diminishes rapidly as the speed increases--a fact which other observations serve to confirm.

The old scientific principle known as the hydrostatic paradox, according to which a pressure applied at any point of an inclosed mass of liquid is transmitted unaltered to every other point, has been singularly fruitful in practical applications. Mr. Bramah was perhaps the first to recognize its value and importance. He applied it to the well known Bramah press, and in various other directions, some of which were less successful. One of these was a hydraulic lift, which Mr. Bramah proposed to construct by means of several cylinders sliding within each other after the manner of the tubes of a telescope. His specification of this invention sufficiently expresses his opinion of its value, for it concludes as follows: "This patent does not only differ in its nature and in its boundless extent of claims to novelty, but also in its claims to merit and superior utility compared with any other patent ever brought before or sanctioned by the legislative authority of any nation." The telescope lift has not come into practical use; but lifts worked on the hydraulic principle are becoming more and more common every day.