To give a description of all the insects that infest the plants of the flower-garden, it would he necessary to write a volume, so numerous are the voracious tribe that prey upon the roots, stems, foliage, and flowers of the floral kingdom. The depredation of insects is one of the greatest offsets to the pleasures of the garden. To nurse some favorite plant, watching over it from day to day, anticipating its opening beauties, and then, just as one's hopes are upon the point of being realized, to see the plant suddenly smitten with some mysterious disease, or as suddenly destroyed by some noxious vermin, - perhaps dying in a night, like Jonah's gourd,- who can help feeling a little ruffled, or even like justifying good old Jonah, who thought it "well to be angry for his gourd?"

The knowledge we possess of the habits of the various insects is very scanty. We are indebted, mainly, to that excellent work, "A Treatise on some of the Insects of New England, which are injurious to Vegetation," by Dr. T. W. Harris, of Cambridge, Mass., for all that is important in relation to them, and have freely quoted from it in the following pages. Dr. Harris' Treatise should be accessible to every one who has anything to do with the cultivation of the farm or garden. His descriptions are so plain, that almost any person may get all the desirable information of all those insects of which he treats.

Some of the most annoying insects of the flower-garden, are the Rose Saw-fly, or Rose Slug, and the Rose Bug.