3 cupfuls of apricots cut in pieces,

1 cupful of sugar - 8 ounces.

2 cupfuls of water.

The kernels of half the apricots.

2 whites of eggs.

The ripest and sweetest apricots, if the fresh fruit be used, should be kept out, one cupful to be mixed in the ice when finished.

Stew the other two cupfuls and the peeled kernels in the water and sugar for a few minutes, rub the fruit then with the back of a spoon, through a strainer into the freezer along with the syrup. Freeze like ice cream and when it is nearly finished whip the two whites to a firm froth, mix them in and turn the freezer rapidly a short time longer. Stir in the cut apricots just before serving. Canned apricots can be used as well, and if in syrup that can be mixed in also.

Cost of material - apricots 25, sugar 5, white of eggs 4, ice and salt 10; 44c for 3 pints or 8 to 12 dishes, or 4c per order.