1 heaping cup tapioca - 1/2 pound.

6 cups milk - 3 pints.

1/2 cup sugar - 4 ounces.

1 ounce butter - small egg size.

4 eggs, or 8 yolks.

Crush the tapioca, if the large and rough kind, put it to soak in half the milk for 2 hours.

Boil the other half the milk with the sugar in it, stir in the soaked tapioca, let simmer slowly at the side or in a pan of boiling water for half an hour, or until the tapioca is become transparent and well cooked. Then stir in the butter and eggs and bake. Serve with sauce. This makes over 2 quarts, about 24 portions, costs 20 cents; with sauce 11/2 cents each person.