German Style Braised Beef

A top sirloin of beef larded slantwise with strips of seasoned larding pork, put in sauce pan with carrot, onions, celery, parsley, bay leaves and a few caraway seeds, barely covered with stock and simmered till tender and glazy, then taken up, the liquor strained, skimmed and reduced to glaze, the meat served in slices with a little of the glaze and garnished with sauerkraut and small shaped potatoes boiled and sprinkled with parsley butter (called, BRAISED BEEF a l'ALLEMANDE.)

Garnished Braised Sirloin Of Beef

The braised sirloin of the preceding, but the caraway seeds omitted in the seasonings; when done is served in slices and garnished with stoned olives, mushrooms, truffles, cockscombs and kernels, green peas and small pieces of sweetbreads, all made hot in the glaze with the addition of a little Espagnole sauce (called, BRAISED BEEF a la FINANCIERE).

Braised Beef With Raviolis

Top sir-loin of beef larded, put in sauce pan with carrot, onions, celery, thyme, bay leaves, cloves, allspice, garlic, claret wine and enough consomme to barely cover the meat, simmered till tender and glazy, taken up, liquor strained, skimmed and reduced to a glaze; meat served in slices with some of the glaze and garnished with small molds of boiled macaroni sprinkled with Parmersan cheese and small raviolis, (called, BRAISED BEEF a la MILANAISE).

Braised Sirloin Of Beef With Quenelles

Top sirloin larded and braised with vegetables, spices and consomme; served in slices and garnished with a ragout of small quenelles of poultry or game, cockscombs and kernels, and slices of braised poultry livers (called, BRAISED BEEF a la RICHELIEU).

Braised Sirloin Of Beef With Mush-Rooms

Top sirloin larded and braised with vegetables, spices and consomme; meat taken up when done, the liquor strained and skimmed, sherry wine and Espagnole sauce added to it; meat served in slices, garnished with fried mushrooms, and sauce poured around

Braised Sirloin Of Beef With Truf-Fles

Top sirloin larded and braised, meat taken up when done, the liquor strained, skimmed, Madeira wine added to it and reduced; meat served in slices, garnished with a ragout of truffles, diced sweetbreads, and small veal quenelles (called, BRAISED BEEF a la GOD-ARD).

Braised Sirloin With Rice Cro-Quettes

Top sirloin larded and braised, meat taken up, liquor strained and reduced to a glaze, meat served in slices with some of the glaze poured around, and garnished with small croquettes of rice that have been seasoned with savory herbs and meat glaze, (called, BRAISED BEEF a l'ORSINI).

Braised Sirloin With Spring Vege-Tables

Top sirloin larded and braised, taken up when done, liquor strained, skimmed and reduced to a glaze; meat served in slices with it, and garnished with glazed carrot, onion, brussels sprouts and red or green cabbage, (called, BRAISED BEEF a la FLAMANDE)