(2462). Chaudfroid Of Turkey A La Perigord (Chaudfroid De Dinde A La Perigord)

Braise and put away to cool a fine six to eight pound turkey: remove the fillets, free them from skin and sinews, and cut each one into six pieces, making them as long as possible; trim them all the same shape and size, and cover over one side with a thin layer of foies-gras taken from a terrine, pounded and rubbed through a sieve; let get quite cold. Prepare a chaudfroid with a quart of reduced veloute sauce (No. 415) and the braise stock, strained, skimmed and reduced to a pint, with as much aspic jelly (No. 103) added. Let the chaudfroid be cold enough to cover the meat well. Then dip the pieces one by one into it and remove them with a fork, placing one beside the other on a tray or on a grate. Let get cold, then cover them once more, exactly the same as before, and finish by covering with half-set jelly. Dress them on the bottom of a dish around a support, both the foundation and support being made of tin, having a hole in the summit and covered with noodle paste (No. i42), dried in the open air and glazed over with game glaze (No. 398). Decorate all around with small glazed truffles set in small white crimped paper cases.

Insert into the top of the support a tasteful hatelet ornamented with a fine glazed truffle and a cock's-comb.