6 quarts or more cooked fowl cut in pieces 4 quarts rich broth 1 cup potato flour 1 cup fat

1 pint green peppers 1/2 cup chopped parsley

1 quart celery

2 teaspoons paprika Salt to taste

Cook fowl, without cutting, in salted water, until quite tender; remove from liquor, and let get cold. Remove meat carefully from bones, and cut in two-inch pieces; they need not be regular in shape, but should be neatly cut. Put bones back in stock and simmer one or two hours; strain, and remove fat. Cream together fat and flour, add hot broth and seasoning, stirring all the time; boil five minutes. Add meat without stirring. Cut celery in inch pieces, boil thirty minutes; drain, and add to sauce. Wash peppers, remove seeds, parboil fifteen minutes; drain, cut in small pieces, and add. Keep mixture over hot water until well heated through. Just before serving, stir carefully to mix ingredients. The pieces of fowl and vegetables should be unbroken. Serve in border of boiled rice. Sprinkle with parsley.