Have twelve good-sized, fine, sound apricots; wipe them neatly, cut them in two, remove the stones, and put them in a vessel with half a pound of powdered sugar, mashing them thoroughly. Have two ounces of bitter almonds, peel, and pound without drying them ; add one gill of cold water and one ounce of powdered sugar, pounding the whole together. Arrange a napkin over the vessel containing the apricot preparation; pour over it the contents of the mortar, pressing the juice through the napkin into the vessel, and mix well together for two minutes with the spatula. Squeeze in the juice of three sound lemons; add a pint and a half of cold water, mix again for two minutes, then strain through a fine sieve into the freezer. Put on the cover, and proceed to finish exactly the same as for the vanilla ice-cream (No. 1271).