Neapolitan Tarts

Roll rich pastry thin, cut into strips, bake in a quick oven and put together with jam or jelly between. Cover with frosting and serve cold.

Peach Tart

Roll rich pastry thin and bake three crusts in pie-tins. Cool, put together with crushed and sweetened peaches, chill and serve with whipped cream. Other fruits may be used in the same way.

Peach Tart Meringue

Line a border mould with pastry, fill half full with peach jam, bake, cool, cover with meringue, and return to the oven until puffed and brown. Fill the centre with whipped cream if desired. Other jams may be used in the same way.

Peach Cream Tart

Line a deep pie-tin with good pastry and fill it two-thirds full with canned peaches that have been cooked for two or three minutes in boiling syrup. Cover with a rather thick crust and do not pinch down the edges. When cool, remove the top crust and fill with a cream made as follows: Boil a cupful of milk, and thicken with a tablespoonful of sugar mixed with a teaspoonful of cornstarch wet in cold milk. When smooth and thick, take from the fire, add the whites of two eggs beaten to a stiff froth, and a few drops of vanilla or almond extract. Cool, pour over the peaches, cover with the crust, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and serve.

Plum Tart - I

Line a deep tin with pastry, fill with preserved plums, cover with crust, brush with beaten egg, bake, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and serve cold.

Plum Tart - II

Line a deep baking-dish with pastry and bake. Fill half full of boiled rice cooked in milk and sweetened to taste and cover with pitted plums which have been cooked soft in thin syrup.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar, dot with butter, bake, and serve hot.

Raspberry Cream Tart

Line a deep pie-tin with pastry, fill with raspberries, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and cover with crust but do not press down the edges. Bake in a moderate oven. Thicken a cupful of milk with a teaspoonful of cornstarch rubbed smooth with a little cold milk, add a tablespoonful of sugar, a few drops of vanilla, and the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs; cook until smooth and thick. Lift the top crust from the pie, pour in the custard, cover, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and serve cold.

Raspberry And Currant Tart

Line a deep pie-tin with pastry and fill with alternate layers of raspberries and currants, sprinkling each layer with sugar. Sprinkle with sugar, dot with butter, and bake. Cover, with meringue and serve cold.

Rhubarb Tarts

Blanch and split half an ounce of bitter almonds. Cut one and one-half pounds of rhubarb into inch-lengths without peeling, add a pound of sugar, the almonds, and one lemon cut into bits. Cook together until thick, stirring occasionally. Line patty-pans with pastry, fill with the mixture, and bake in a moderate oven,

Apples A La Ninon

Cook rice until soft in milk to cover, sweetening and flavoring to taste. Arrange upon the rice peeled and cored apples which have been cooked in syrup, reduce the syrup by rapid boiling, flavor to taste, add a little chopped candied fruit, pour over the rice and apples, and serve either hot or cold.